
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Elections 2016

What the ostensibly in charge political parties or the media may have you think notwithstanding, the oncoming presidential elections of November, 2016 are Republican vs. Democrats in name only. Ignore what I am telling you at your own peril and that of the democracy in which you are privileged to live. This election will be a contest to determine whether our great nation will be a democratic republic controlled by we the people of the United States of America or an oligarchy of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite of the Western World, consisting of the very largest corporations and the very rich and powerful—Democracy vs. Serfdom.

This has been coming on ever so slowly over the past thirty-five years or so, slowly eroding our programs for the people begun in the thirties and progressing to the state of affairs in which we now find ourselves today, i.e. outsourcing of jobs, millions unemployed, homeless and sleeping in cars and on the streets, failing schools—must I go on? The American dream and equal opportunity are literally sifting through our fingers. Our leaders have turned Corporatists. They follow the money. They serve their own interests. Just a few remain who truly have the interests of the people, “us”, at heart.

This threat to the very sovereignty of our nation is the greatest issue facing our nation today. We must take money out of our politics completely, revise our voting and election laws, and amend our Constitution accordingly. Social Security and Medicare for everyone and appropriate safety nets for those in economic difficulty must be the order of the day in conjunction with requisite tax reform. The problems of inequality in income and wealth must be resolved as well along with comprehensive reform in our banking systems. Everyone must pay taxes fairly in accordance with their ability to pay. Corporate welfare and loopholes must be eliminated. Corporations must serve and produce for the people—not rule the people. This nation belongs to we the people—all of us—not just the rich and powerful.

This must change and you, the people, must change it with your vote in 2016.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Edward Snowden

There are traitors and there are whistleblowers. Sometimes there is a fine line in-between. Sometimes there is even an overlap. In the final analysis, the determining factor as to which is which centers on loyalty and intent, i.e. did the “traitor” intend to destroy our country or did he intend to save it. Final judgment of Edward Snowden as to whether or not he is a traitor to our/his country must be based on this. 

I believe Edward Snowden is a whistleblower and not a traitor. He may be even a hero from one point of view. God only knows how far down the thorny path to tyranny our government would have taken us, if not for Edward Snowden. Secrecy and the classification of information in our country (in my opinion) have gone too far beyond the need for national security. One’s political security isn’t covered by the law. I submit to you that the power(s) of the NSA have been significantly abused to the detriment of our democracy, at times leaving even our Congress out of the “Loop”.

While I’m writing this, I want to make one additional observation. In legalese, there are the terms, de jure and de facto. De jure means “according to the law”, the way things are supposed to be. De facto means “in fact or in practice”, the way it’s really done or works in practice. What does this have to do with anything? It has to do with everything! I take exception with those who claim that Snowden had other courses which he could pursue in order to call this problem to the attention of government. Right—in terms of de jure, he did. Wrong!—in terms of de facto, he did not.

Did any of you read the recent article (last week) in the New York Times concerning the alleged abuse of employees by Amazon? Mr. Bezos, CEO of Amazon, responded by requesting his employees to report the abuses to management and they would be “looked into” (not good English—paraphrased, but you get the idea, I’m sure). Check out on Wikipedia and “click on” item 13.2, Working Conditions. It appears their problem with working conditions began in 2011. This is 2015. Do you really believe their de jure system for reporting to the top is working? From other cases about which I have read, it appears we aren’t enforcing the whistleblower laws we presently have on the books—so much for that other route to reporting.

Thank you, Edward Snowden. You have done a service to your country. When you came into office, Mr. President Obama, you promised transparency in government. I presume, consistent with your promise, you are in agreement with me.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller, signing off. Email me at


Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Next War

As I watched and listened to the debates last Thursday night, there was one recurring theme that, among some others, seemed to prevail throughout—WAR.

In the past, i.e. WWI, II, Korea, Vietnam, etc., etc., we fought, we killed, we destroyed, and we rebuilt. In WWIII, we will fight, we will kill, and we will NUKE. We will NOT REBUILD! There will be nothing left! WWIII will be a nuclear war! It will take hundreds, if not thousands, of years for the resultant radiation to dissipate. Also, if for no other reason, we cannot afford a conventional war. Just look at the national debts of all the nations involved. For all practical purposes, we are all broke. Can you imagine our country with a population of 320 million people taking on China with a population of 1.4 billion people in a conventional war? Are you kidding me? There is another thought which I wish to lay upon you. As most of you are aware, over the past many years we have been placing satellites in space to replace many of the analog systems we have used to control our electrical grids, internet, GPS, telecommunications, etc., in the past. I submit to you that World War III will probably begin with a strike on our satellites—possibly disarming us before we even start; and it could begin as quickly as the blink of an eye.

This world is under so much stress and disruption, so much greed and corruption, we may have another war no matter what we do—no matter whom we elect; but, come election time, be careful as for whom you vote. There are those who don’t mind who else’s son or daughter is killed as long as they can continue to make a profit from their blood.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller, signing off. Email me at

Friday, July 17, 2015

Same Sex Marriage

          In our great nation, we have a population of approximately three hundred twenty million people with just as many viewpoints and opinions. Even my wife doesn’t agree with me all the time. This is in conjunction with our constitutional right to freedom of speech and thought. This having been said, I submit to you that when one exercises his (or her) right to free expression of their viewpoints and opinions, their implementation of which notwithstanding, they have the responsibility and obligation to know what they are talking about and the context within which they are being expressed. To this end, I want to express my understanding of the context in which our U.S. Supreme Court issued their opinion in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges re., marriage between two people of the same sex. I think I’m right in my thinking. If, however, you disagree, please let me know where I’m wrong. Please communicate tenderly, though, so as to not hurt my feelings and cause me to feel bad.

          The first fact which one must understand is that our nation was established as a secular nation with the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, including freedom of religion and all other rights included in the first ten amendments to our Constitution. The right to not believe in a God is allowed right along with the right to believe. That’s why we call it freedom of religion. We have a division of church and state. I am a Christian and my understanding of God’s will is that we, as Christians, have the freedom of choice. We can accept our God or we can reject him. Jesus tells us (I’m paraphrasing, of course) to spread the word; and, if we are not received, we should shake the dust from our sandals and move on. Our religion is one of free choice. We are not forced. Jesus also tells us to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. What this all means, in my mind, is that we are to not mix our government with our religion—everyone is to be treated equal under the law, their religion notwithstanding.

          Second, and I am compelled to say this, we are taught that “no man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Matt’ 6:24)”. After its decision in the case of Citizens United v. FEC, I would have been surprised if SCOTUS had ruled in any other way in Obergefell v. Hodges—both cases are contrary to Biblical teachings. On the other hand, as I think about it, at least homosexuals were born the way they are. Corporations certainly were not (born people).

          This is neither here nor there with the subject of separation of church and state; but, in this country at any rate, it would appear that Christianity is fading—we are losing our faith. As we step aside and passively allow the Corporatocracy and Power Elite take over our government, it would seem to me that we more and more are replacing God with mammon. Past leaders of our nation such as the Roosevelts, Theodore (1901-1909) and Franklin Delano (1933-1945), contributed greatly toward braking their growth; but, beginning in the ‘70’s, and especially in 1981, the race to domination of our country by the oligarchy (our shadow government presently in power) of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite has been “on”; and it appears they are winning. In his book, Democracy in America, Alexis DeTocqueville warns us of the evil and danger of declining faith (and values) in a democracy.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at


Saturday, July 11, 2015

It’s Time For A Change
          When fantasy flows, everything glows; but, when it ends, life is grim. The great American fantasy, folks, is over; and it has been over for some time. It is just that we have been slow to open our eyes, our old living in the past relishing the afterglow of the prosperous fifties, and our young looking forward to conquering the world, unknowing of the past, taking the present for granted. Anyone knows that if you leave your purse, a symbol of your wealth, unattended in a shopping cart in a supermarket, there will be those who will try to steal it from you. Why in heaven’s name, therefore, would you not think there are those who would steal your rich and valuable democracy, and you the victim, be prepared to defend it?

          We understand the gun. As soon as a gun is fired, it has our attention. We act! We most certainly have no difficulty operating in that mode. Violence is our heritage. We have had one war after another throughout our history. We can win that kind of war whenever we want (when we are allowed—that is), but beware. Wars are the seen. It is the unseen by which we are threatened. It is the “thinking” wars wherein we fall short—where we are vulnerable and slow to act. It is the political con artists by whom we are threatened. Their propaganda, mind control, vast riches, and power are overwhelming, aided and abetted by our obsession with self, comfort, and other weaknesses. Not unlike a cancer, they spread and conquer while we “sleep”; and they are doing it now—right now, before your eyes!

          An election is coming. It will be here all too soon in November of 2016—the time will come quickly. Let us be awake and alert as well as informed of the issues—the seen and the unseen. In the course of political action by you, you not only have the power of your vote at the ballot box, you have the power of where you spend your money. If you support the corporations and the “big” money, that might just be what you get—their interests. If, on the other hand, you support those who represent the people, you just might get someone who supports you and your interests. If you study and do your best to “read between the lines”, you will find that this dilemma crosses party lines. The Corporatocracy and Power Elite who run our country isn’t bounded. Neither are they necessarily American or their interests American—witness the foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation (Ref: Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Government and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich by Peter Schweizer), outsourcing of jobs to slave labor abroad, i.e. globalization, the many corporate inversions (Ref: my blogs of July 7, and August 29 of 2014), and the massive decrease in government revenues from corporate income taxes over the past years.

Oh yes! Let me not forget the, also massive, tax cuts to the very rich, the top one percent of us, during the past thirty-five years. Do you remember when the top rate was around ninety percent? It is now down to thirty-five percent with some paying fourteen percent (Ref: Willard Romney’s tax return published before the last election). Trust me. That fourteen percent is much less than some of you are paying. Patriotism seems to stop when it comes to paying one’s fair share of taxes according to one’s ability to pay as should be the rule. And it doesn’t stop here. You don’t have to go very far. The average working man today doesn’t earn any more money (adjusted for inflation) than he did in the late seventies just before Reagan came into office. Pretty words don’t put food on one’s table (Ref: Capital In The Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty).

Well now—where does that bring us? For whom do we vote? At times, it seems we’re damned if we do and we’re damned if we don’t—so to speak. In my mind, it’s time we vote for true representatives of the people. Not those who espouse the interests of the people and then, when the “rubber meets the road”, follow the demands of the “monied” interests, i.e. theirs—I’m not talking about those kind of representatives, the two-faced kind. I’m talking about those who truly have the interests of the American people and the nation at heart—party notwithstanding. I am talking about those who practice what they preach. Among others, not the least of whom are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. True populists, they represent the nation and the people.

There are many very serious threats confronting our nation today, domestic and foreign. I dare say they threaten our very sovereignty as a nation and a people. In my mind, however, one must have their domestic problems under control before they can address those that are foreign. You have heard the saying many times, “United we stand. Divided we fall”. Again, in my mind, as I have said many times before, our first and foremost problem as a nation is that we the people must take back our democratic republic from the control of the Shadow Government controlled by the Corporatocracy and Power Elite. Our government must, once again, return to being a government “Of the people, by the people, and for the people”. Representatives must represent the people, corporations must serve the people, and ALL must serve the interests of The United States of America. This says it all!

How do we do this? I hope you read this, Bernie Sanders.

We must take money out of elections, i.e. politics. By this I mean we must have taxpayer paid political campaigns. Taxpayers are paying the bill indirectly through prices they pay in the marketplace anyway. Where do we think these billionaires get their money in the first place? All direct contributions from any source, personal or otherwise, should be outlawed.

Standardized national regulations and controls should be established over all elections throughout the nation with the elimination of gerrymandering; and every qualified citizen must have the right to vote, including convicted felons who have paid their debt to society.

Control over all lobbying and lobbyists should be implemented including the prohibition of lobbyists becoming elected representatives and elected representatives ever becoming lobbyists.

Establish a system of public access to healthcare for every qualified citizen of our nation modeled after our present Medicare system. It should and must be funded from a stand-alone, self-liquidating fund similar to that presently administered by Social Security from which all expenses are paid and into which all designated tax receipts are deposited. All taxes collected for the fund must be identifiable as such and the tax rates adjusted each year so as to “even out” surpluses and deficits each year.

The Social Security fund must be revised to act as a reasonable retirement plan for any and all citizens when they retire. Income and payments to and from the fund should be automatically adjusted annually so as to “even out” surpluses and deficits each year and eliminate lost time and money wasted by constant political bickering.

We must implement a comprehensive reform of our Federal Tax System beginning with Federal Income Taxes. I’m sure this is already in writing and on the table. There are those who have been working on it for a long time. It’s just a matter of doing it. Obviously, it should be progressive in its rate structure and based on the “ability to pay principle” While I’m doing this, let me add an applicable comment. We know what our needs are, and we know what are needs are going to be. We know these things. We have been working on them for a long time. So let’s quit the s_ _t. Let’s raise the necessary taxes and “gitter done”. I believe Thomas Piketty (Ref: above) said the top rate should be around eighty-five percent. The life of our country is at stake. During the 50’s our nation experienced the highest standard of living in history (Yes, including the “little guy”) and the rich did all right for themselves in spite of their taxes. It’s past time for the “gluttons” to get off it.

A long range plan must be established to pay off the national debt and it must be mandated that the plan will be followed. In conjunction with this, we should remove the cap from our debt; and, again, eliminate lost time and money wasted by constant political bickering. It’s long past time to conduct the business of our government like the business it is. As I have said in past postings to my blog, our elected representatives should be big enough to make the right decisions about money management without being treated like a bunch of school kids.

Although there is much more, this is enough to swallow for one sitting, so I am going to sign off for now. I am also not going to comment about our threats from foreign sources. There are too many unknowns behind the scenes or under the table, rendering me vastly unqualified. But I do wish to add one last thought relating back to paragraph six, above. When we were in Iraq and Afghanistan, we were told something to the effect that we were going to bring democracy to them—to their people. I think our government should practice what they preach and bring democracy to America. Instead, our representatives, not unlike Judas of old, have sold us out for “pieces of silver”, i.e. money and graft.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at

Friday, June 26, 2015

Our Democratic Republic

                    I am sitting here this morning watching a session of our House of Representatives on television. They are obviously debating, but whom? It’s an almost empty house. There’s nobody there except a handful. I have always been taught that a debater needs a debatee—someone to debate, someone to listen. The Congressional Record certainly doesn’t listen, and I find it difficult to believe our representatives read everything printed within. What is all the talk other than, for the most part, political PR? It’s certainly not a real debate. What good is an empty house? It sure doesn’t beat a full house, now does it?

To paraphrase the late Winston Churchill, one of the greatest, if not the greatest, leaders who has ever lived, who is quoted to have said, “A democracy is one of the worst forms of government there is, but I can’t think of any better”, ours, the democratic republic of The United States of America, appears to be a prime example. On the whole, speaking in general, our citizens, the electorate, who are responsible for deciding who our representatives will be and, therefore, the direction of our nation, frequently don’t vote; and, those who do, vote based on uninformed opinion and prejudice with little or no knowledge of the real facts involved or where our country is going. It would appear they have little time or interest. As a consequence and/or in conjunction with this, the representatives who are elected fail to represent the people who voted for them, representing, rather, those who seduce them with campaign contributions, bribes, and special favors, effectively passing control of our nation from the people to a shadow government of huge multi-national corporations and very rich and powerful elite, i.e. an oligarchy of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, which really governs us.

          There is no doubt about it. Our Founding Fathers were brilliant. They were geniuses. But none could see three hundred years into the future nor should they be so expected. Times now are as different as day and night from times past. It is time for an update. It is time for a change. We need to amend our Constitution, bringing it forward to the present. It is past time to rid ourselves of our shadow government. Only Americans should rule America and that should be a rule by all Americans—not just the rich and powerful here and abroad.

          In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Nation of Law

‘You know? I absolutely abhor being controlled. I may be wrong, but I suspect you do too. I think we all do—it’s our nature. As a matter of fact, there are times when I perceive that someone is trying to control me when I will purposely do just the opposite even if it might not be in my interest—even if it hurts; my wife says I’m stubborn. On the other hand, there is a “right and wrong” about things. I don’t mind following rules that help us all to live together in peace and harmony with one another if it is the “right thing” to do. I remember the prosecutor on Law and Order, that famous television program, saying that your freedom ends and mine begins at the tip of our noses. For us all to live in peace, and we must, we must never forget that. We need laws—all kinds of laws; to provide rules of order that we may live our lives in liberty and happiness with equal opportunity for all. We are a nation of law and we must obey them if we want to survive.

There is a beauty in this, at first, not readily apparent. We are a democratic republic “of the people, by the people, and for the people”. Abraham Lincoln reminded us of this in his speech at Gettysburg after the Civil War. In our democracy, all of us—every qualified citizen— has a say in the creation of these laws through our elected representatives. Today, we have a population approximating 320 million people with 320 million opinions differing in one way or another (You have heard it said,”Even my wife doesn’t agree with me all the time”). The beauty of our system is that, although the majority prevails, the minority is protected from the tyranny of a majority by our Constitution and the Bill of Rights contained within. The majority of us cannot oppress the minority. We have a legislative branch of government to create the rules by which we are governed, an executive branch to execute them, and a United States Supreme Court to insure their adherence to our Constitution.

This is absolutely wonderful! But there is a problem. The system is smudged and failing. It is broken. We have an electorate which, for the most part, is either misinformed or uninformed, complacent, fails to participate, and wants to stay that way, and a legislative body, the majority of which has “sold out” to a Shadow Government by the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, aka an oligarchy of multinational corporations and the very rich and powerful world elite, a president whose motives appear questionable (the Democratic Party is touted as a party of the people—not Wall Street), and a supreme court which certainly hasn’t helped, calling a legal entity, corporations, people with the right of free speech. The result is that we are losing our democracy and our sovereignty as a nation. Rather than a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, we are going in another direction and we won’t like it when we get there. We are on our way to a world government by corporations and world elite.

This new world trade agreement is just one more step. And how do I know? I know; You know; We know, what they have done in the past. Now, it’s a secret. Although it’s certainly understandable why negotiations of a trade agreement would be behind closed doors, it is not understandable that we can’t read it (and amend if necessary) before it is passed. We the people need to see this—no fast track, no TPP, until we do. Really! It’s in our court—we the people. It’s past time for us to stop “sucking our thumbs”.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at

Monday, June 15, 2015

I Say Again

I begun this as a comment for Facebook but have changed my mind because of its size. I’m sure that, over time, I have said these things before; but, in light of comments I, from time to time, continue to hear from others, I say again.

You can say this either way. The Social Security Fund invested its surplus funds in the United States Government by buying government securities for which they receive interest; or, you can say, the government of the United States borrowed the Social Security surplus collections, securing them with interest bearing notes or securities. Either way, the government did not steal the Social Security fund's money. Their investments will receive interest and be repaid when due as is every other government security. Surely one would not expect the fund to invest in lesser secure investments. As bad off as we may seem, no other institution in the world has better credit than the United States of America. Ours is the reserve currency of the world. That very well may change; but, for now, that’s just the way it is.

You are absolutely right, Beth. The Social Security fund is not part of our national budget. Neither does it in any way affect our deficit or our debt unless you want to consider the fact that it is a creditor.Social Security is a stand-alone fund.

Last, but certainly not least, the Social Security fund is not going broke. Those who say different are mistaken. Yes, in a few years, the income to the fund will need to be adjusted as will all our budget plans as conditions change. We should have already done so except for those in Congress who lack the political courage to step up and take care of business where and when it is needed—their own personal interests taking precedent over those of our nation. Of course, other reasons are due to their political chess games—also not in the best interest of the nation.

Yes we have a huge national debt. It shouldn’t be. But it is; and you can blame almost all of it on the Republicans—their personal greed and their political games of chess. If they can bring us to the brink of bankruptcy, they can force us to get rid of Social Security, Health Care, and other safety net programs. Yes. They are coming after our Social Security. They have told us as much.

When Jimmy Carter left office, our national debt was less than one trillion dollars. That is as close to zero as any of us is going to see in our lifetimes. When George W left office, our national debt was around ten trillion dollars, an increase of 1,004%; and, on top of that, he left us on the edge of a global financial crisis and  one of the potentially deepest depressions in world history—that after inheriting a nice and comfortable budget surplus from our DINO president William Jefferson Clinton. You remember him. Think NAFTA. Think the repeal of Glass–Steagall which, among other causes, led to the financial crisis. Think etc. but I digress. The fact is, we wouldn’t have had most of the additional debt leading up to the eighteen trillion dollars we have now if Bush would have kept us on track with the spending level he inherited.

But I want to tell you something else. Our country isn’t broke either, unless we choose to continue in that direction. There is enough gross domestic product produced in this nation every year to pay off our debt over a reasonable period of time and still have the other programs we need for the welfare and security of our nation and our people. It will require that our people be paid fair and reasonable living wages and that everybody pays their fair share of taxes, including top wage earners and corporations, It would also help immensely if our Department of Defense and intelligence agencies were to implement auditable accounting systems with integrated data bases and fair pricing. Certainly, fair and more reliant pricing by our defense contractors would contribute. Cost overruns range from the sublime to the ridiculous. We can do this if we really want. If we want to continue as the leader of the free world, we must.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Brilliance In Three Parts

I just received an email, printed below, bearing the above title to which I am compelled to respond. It is one I have read before but, until now, have left unanswered. Thoroughly disgusted with receiving frequent propagandized political emails that mislead and misinform the public, I can no longer contain myself. Unfortunately, the thought process from which the writer’s conclusion is derived is pejorative in nature reflecting either lack of knowledge, intellect, intent to deceive and mislead, or all of the above. In either event, the stated or implied conclusion(s) is/are incorrect, i.e. .rubbish based on half-truths. The email reads as follows:
Part I
                        A. Back off and let those men who want to marry men, marry men.
B. Allow those women who want to marry women, marry women.
C. Allow those folks who want to abort their babies, abort their babies.
D. In three generations, there will be no Democrats.
                                    I love it when a plan comes together; don’t you?!

My response: Homosexuality has been around forever and practiced regularly, the institution of marriage notwithstanding; and the practice of abortion has been practiced on a regular basis since the time of the caveman and woman, the law notwithstanding. As they traveled from one place to another (Do you remember? They were nomads.), they could only take what they could carry. What do you think they did with the extra babies they produced along the way? Guess what? We still have Democrats.

Part II: 10 Poorest Cities in America  (How did it happen?)
City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level
1. Detroit, MI 32.5%
2. Buffalo, NY 29.9%
3. Cincinnati, OH 27.8%
4. Cleveland, OH 27.0%
5. Miami, FL 26.9%
5. St. Louis, MO 26.8%
7. El Paso, TX 26.4%
8. Milwaukee, WI 26.2%
9. Philadelphia, PA 25.1%
10. Newark, NJ 24.2%
What do these top ten cities (over 250,000 pop.) with the highest poverty rate all have in common?

Detroit, MI - (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961
Buffalo, NY - (2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954
Cincinnati, OH - (3rd) not since 1984
Cleveland, OH - (4th) not since 1989
Miami, FL - (5th) has never had a Republican mayor
St. Louis, MO - (6th) not since 1949
El Paso, TX - (7th) has never had a Republican mayor
Milwaukee, WI - (8th) not since 1908
Philadelphia, PA - (9th) not since 1952
Newark, NJ - (10th) not since 1907

Einstein once said, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'

It is the poor who habitually elect Democrats... yet they are still POOR.

My response: Books are written on the subject of poverty; its causes, effects, and solutions, are readily available to those who really care to access them. Time and space precludes in-depth analysis here; but, in brief, it is said that most Americans will spend at least one year below the poverty line at some point in their lives between the ages of 25 and 75. It is also important to note that poverty rates are persistently higher in rural and inner city parts of the country as compared to suburban areas such as those in the cities listed above. You have the percentage of poverty levels for the cities listed above. In November, 2012 the U.S. Census Bureau reported that more than 16% of the population lived in poverty, including almost 20% of American children, up from 14.3% (approximately 43.6 million people) in 2009 and to its highest level since 1993. In 2008, 13.2% (39.8 million people) lived in poverty.

Starting in the 1980s (the beginning of the Reagan era) relative poverty rates have consistently exceeded those of other wealthy nations. California has a poverty rate of 23.5%, the highest of any state in the country. Poverty is continuing to increase since, consistent with increasing inequality in income and wealth. I’m not going further, but I’m trying to point out that these percentages are average percentages for the nation and, in the case of California, for that state. The percentages for the cities indicated above reflect the higher percentages of poverty within their inner cities. The higher concentrations of poverty within our inner cities exists for a variety of reasons affecting the averages for their respective cities. Poverty hasn’t one iota to do with their people being led by Democratic administrations. Any declaration to the contrary is false and misleading. The only exceptions will occur in cases of corruption which has nothing to do with any political party. There is enough of that to go around on both sides.

Part III:
"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."
~Abraham Lincoln

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him had better take a closer look at the American Indian."
~Henry Ford

My response: God Bless Abraham Lincoln. I love you Mr. President, but please tell me. Who wants to do these things? What idiot wants to destroy the rich, weaken the strong, discourage thrift, pull down the wage payer, incite class hatred, take away people’s initiative and independence, doing for them what they could and should do for themselves?  No one has a monopoly on idiocy, rich or poor; but, as one of those born of the poor, I certainly don’t. And I believe neither do the members of the poor. Rather than sit around forming erroneous opinions from your delusions of grandeur (You do believe you are better than them, don’t you?) why don’t you be honest with yourselves and ask them or, better yet, see how they live and determine for yourself if you really think they like their way of life.

Mr. Ford: You are absolutely right. For the most part, we murdered, i.e. euthanized the American Indian—a proud and independent people; they refused to be dominated by us, preferring to die rather than submit to slavery. Those remaining, we lied, cheated, and stole from them. Only recently, we sold one of their holy lands in Arizona to a foreign country for mining. Looking to the government to take care of them did not make them happy and prosperous. This, in my opinion, comes under the topic of corruption to which I referred, above, confirming my position on this email.

Let me end with this thought. There is a knowledge, the absence of which when missing from one’s view, leaves only confusion–the knowledge of God. No picture is complete without Him. This nation, this planet, produces enough every day that everyone can live a happy and prosperous life for all if we will only give up our greed. We will continue to have a middle class. We will continue to have our rich. Those who are worth more should have more; but, they don’t have to have it all. In the same vein, we should do everything in our power to alleviate the poor, impoverished, and underprivileged. We can’t afford not to. On our present course, that of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, we are going to self destruct. You can take that to the bank, presuming that it still is there.

 In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at

Friday, June 12, 2015

Trade Agreement

          Today is the day “the lord has made” or “the lord” hopes so; and I’m not talking about the Lord who is our God. I’m talking about “the lord” who rules over us politically—our Shadow Government by the multinational corporations and world elite. This is no conspiracy theory. These trade agreements are a real conspiracy, happening before our eyes—reducing our nation more and more to just another state within a world government—the loss of our democracy.

 I don’t ask you to believe me. I ask you to see for yourself. Look it up. There are many books on this subject. Check out Open the article, Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the “High Priests of Globalization”. Read the article in Wikipedia, Bilderberg Group. Read about the development of the European Union and how the nations involved had to subordinate their laws to those of the union effectively reducing them to the status of a state. Read “between the lines”. Now, with the involvement of the Pacific Rim countries of Asia, the Trans Pacific Partnership, the TPP, their goals will be just twelve more steps toward success—a world government. If we the American people allow these trade laws to go through, we are fools. Their name notwithstanding, these laws are part of a large chess game—they are about the domination of our country by the multi-national corporations and world elite.

          This is not about partisanship, i.e. Republican vs. Democrat. This is about the interests of the people of our nation—all the people; and I don’t believe the loss of our democracy is in our interest. Multinational corporations should not have the right to govern us. Beware of all this secret stuff. In my mind, trade is a sub-issue of these treaties. The real issue at stake is our sovereignty. Before we vote for it, let’s see it. Seeing is believing. Secrecy corrupts.

          In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller, signing off. Email me at

Friday, June 5, 2015

The American Voter

I never cease to be amazed by the thinking of the average American voter. Their intellectual level notwithstanding, their resistance to the process of learning and reasoning, for the most part anyway, is exceeded only by their lack of knowledge and naïveté. Oh well. Perhaps I just answered my own question. Perhaps the latter is the result of the former—do you think?

To my way of thinking, the Presidency of the United States of America is one of the highest executive positions in one of the largest and most important institutions in the world, i.e. our country; and members of our Congress serving in our House of Representatives and the Senate are its board of directors. You don’t get a greater, more responsible, CEO position than that; and neither do you get a greater, more responsible, Board of Directors. Not only is it past time for those holding those positions to start acting like it and responsibly fulfill those responsibilities; but, also, it is past time for the people of our country to come to their senses and elect people to those offices who are honest to the core, loyal, qualified, competent, and willing to serve for the good of the people, the nation, and ultimately, the planet. I hope I'm not expecting too much from them.

When you vote for people in these extremely important high echelon positions, this is no game—you are voting to hire them. You are not voting for the class president at your high school or for the local dog catcher. These people can mean life or death for you and your country. In their handling of issues such as international relations, war and peace, or the ecology, they can mean life and death for the planet. Think of your grandchildren and succeeding generations.

That your grandfather was a Whig, your father was a Whig, and/or you have been a Whig all your life is not a valid reason to vote for the Whig party. In all honesty, it is a reason derived from ignorance. That the candidate has beautiful hair, a wonderful personality, or drinks your brand of whiskey is on no consequence either. The question is how good an executive is he? What kind of manager will he be? Can he manage people? Will he get results for you? Is he honest, or will he lie, cheat, and steal from you? Where is his financing coming from? Does the candidate or those who finance him represent your interests and those of the country? For that matter, will he even show up for work? Some don’t, you know. The point is, as a voter you must study, think, and analyze—get the facts. It should not be necessary to remind you that you won’t find them in the constant battering of political advertising, propaganda, and brainwashing to which you will be constantly exposed on a daily basis, spewed out to influence the ignorant.

Election Day is coming. November of 2016 will be here sooner than we think. It is imperative that we diligently prepare for that day; and, when it arrives, we should go to the polls and vote rationally and intelligently. It is imperative that we vote for those candidates who represent our own interests. Who represents yours? Are you poor? Are you working or unemployed? Are you homeless? Are you in need of healthcare you can afford? Are you on Social Security? Are you disabled? Are you on Food Stamps? Are you middleclass? Are your jobs being outsourced to foreign countries, to slave labor? Or, on the other hand, are you in the top 1% of the people, those taking in the highest income and holding the most wealth among us–those on the top end (the receiving end) of the income inequality picture—those whose interests are represented by our Shadow Government, the Corporatocracy and Power Elite who finance our elections and have taken over our government. Chances are that you are one of the 99% of us. Who represents you? You know who represents them.

In either event, what is any of this discussion worth if you don’t get out and vote, intelligently fulfilling your constitutional responsibility as a citizen and protect your interests? One thing you can count on–you can take it to the bank, the Corporatocracy and Power Elite will be there. They’re paying for it. Think of them like a cancer. You may not see them; but, trust me, they are there. If you don’t stop them, one day it will be over for you. It will be over for our democracy.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller, signing off. Email me at

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Our Government of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite

          As you know, I have been talking about this subject for a very long time now. You may even be growing tired of hearing about it—probably are. But I really hope not. This should mean so very much to you, your children, your grandchildren, and all who follow whom you love. As I think about it, even those you don’t. Really! Our very democracy is at stake.

          As we look back over our nation’s history since its founding, we have come a long way, and we have changed mightily. Notwithstanding the many similarities that remain just below the surface, there is little comparison of what we were then to what we are as a people and a nation today. We were born on a farm, an agrarian people, raised in the city during the industrial revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and graduated to the current age of technology in which we live, today. We have seen an agricultural revolution, an industrial revolution, a revolution in technology; and, continuing throughout, not the least of which included a civil war, and a political and social revolution.

One can argue the details; but, essentially, our country was born in an age of mercantilism at the advent of capitalism which has given us the highest standard of living in the history of the world. It has, also, given us some of the deepest and longest depressions along with abject misery. Today we are seeing that what it has given us on the one hand, it has taken away with the other—a rapidly increasing disparity between the very rich and the poor, the haves and the have nots, unemployment, poverty, and misery. As prophesied by Joseph A. Schumpeter in his book, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, we are on the brink of seeing the self destruction of capitalism (just as we saw the self destruction of Socialism through Communism) and its evolution into an oligarchy of fascism—the death of democracy and our democratic republic. Those of you who are old enough surely remember Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini in the 1930’s and 40’s.

          Recently, PBS, The Public Broadcasting Service, an American broadcast television network, presented a program titled “The Roosevelts”, a commentary summarizing their history and that of our country from the beginning of the twentieth century through the end of World War II. It displays for all to see a picture of the rise in the Corporatocracy during the twentieth century and the great depression of the thirties. Before that, “tack on” the rise in the Corporatocracy in the eighteen hundreds and the following great depression of 1873. After that, “tack on” the rise again of the Corporatocracy in the last quarter of the twentieth century and the great recession of the first part of the twenty-first. In conjunction with that, take note of the great prosperity in this country during the fifties and sixties, the age of the middleclass, the greatest prosperity in the history of our nation, an age, relatively speaking, when the Corporatocracy was at a low point.

Now, look to the present. I ask you. With the Corporatocracy in control once again, where is the prosperity of the people now. I’ll tell you. It’s “down the drain”. The middle class is disappearing; the underclass is growing larger and larger, the top one percent has exploded, and we have millions of people (not on the books) unemployed, and many, men, women, and children homeless, sleeping in shelters, cars, under bridges, and on the streets while we walk around and over them every day. And where are the jobs? The answer is, they have been outsourced to slave labor overseas while many, too many, of the jobs that remain are priced at starvation wages. Just look at current welfare costs. Exclude corporate welfare, however, in your observation, as it is so great it obscures the welfare of the people.

          Am I opposed to business? No! Absolutely not! We need business. We need leaders. But we need them to serve the needs of man—to serve us. That is why man created business. That is why God created people with leadership abilities. We need business to serve. We need men (elected by the people) to lead. What we don’t need is for them to rule us. Service must be their priority—not profit. Profit is necessary. It is an expense of doing business (I have said this before) just like the rent or the electric light bill, wages, insurance, etc. The good of the nation, the good of the people—must be the objective of all. Rape and pillage of the people through theft and speculation by the Corporatocracy and Plutocracy (the Power Elite) is not acceptable.

          What do we do about this? How do we do it? We do it by doing our job as citizens in a democracy. Citizens have responsibilities beyond their back yard.

For one, we need, once and for all, to determine the direction in which our country should go and go there. Shifting back and forth, changing direction, every four or eight years is ludicrous and, in the end, unproductive and expensive. 

Next, we need to change our elected representatives, most of them anyway, getting rid of those who are just in their jobs for their own interests. We need representatives with values (we need people with values, too) who will sincerely represent the interests of the people.

Third, we need to amend our Constitution, keeping our Declaration of Independence, Preamble, Bill of Rights, and proceed from there. To this end, our first priority must be to take private money out of politics—every penny, lock, stock, and barrel. History has proven, if one penny is left, the thieves will find a way around the rules. All campaign financing must be paid through the medium of taxation. In conjunction with this, we need an amendment to provide for comprehensive voting law reform, which among other things; will eliminate the Electoral College and political gerrymandering thereby enabling the will of the people. I also believe every citizen should be allowed to vote, including convicted felons who have paid their debt to society, upon presentation of proper legal identification. Let us return to being a democratic republic of the people, by the people, and for the people. Let the people govern our nation—not multinational corporations and world governments. The foregoing are the greatest and most important issues facing our nation today because they are the very essence of our democracy, our democratic republic.

It is an obvious problem in our nation that we are badly in need of tax reform. Everybody, in one way or the other, needs the services of government, but they don’t want to pay for them. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, December 4, 1902 thru January 12, 1932, is quoted as having said, “I like to pay taxes. With them, I buy civilization.” The fact is (everybody knows this) our government needs revenues to provide the services our people need from government, and those revenues must come from the people and business. To that end, it is only fair that everyone must contribute to those revenues according to their ability to pay, and that ability must be determined by one’s income and wealth. Your politics notwithstanding, everyone knows that our tax laws are way out of kilter and obsolete; and everyone is not paying their fair share in accordance with their ability to pay. Everyone knows this. This needs and must be changed. We must increase the rates within our progressive system of personal taxation, and the effective rates of taxation upon corporations must be adjusted to reality, including the elimination of loopholes and corporate welfare. Corporate inversions must be controlled, if not eliminated, and our lost corporate revenues must be recovered even if we need to increase tariffs on imports to compensate for their loss.

Presently, our Constitution provides for only the Civil Rights of the people. The emphasis is on individuality. What it has not provided for, to date, is the Social Rights of the people (most do not recognize that). Socially, in conjunction with our emphasis, civilly, on individuality, the rule is survival of the fittest (let the devil take the hindmost). We need, in amending our Constitution, to provide for Social Security and Disability Protection, Public Access to Single Payer National Healthcare modeled after Medicare, National Unemployment Insurance, and Public Education, among others.  I have suggested taxpayer paid education pre K through the first four years of college or vocational school, which ever the student chooses, the goal being gainful employment for all. The details can be worked out but attendance would be mandatory with severe penalties for non-participation. Also, there must be no discrimination, money or otherwise. There must be equal opportunity for all. The results will more than pay for the expense in reduced welfare, prison population, and increased standard of living for the country as a whole. Did we not see comparable results from the GI Bill? That’s how I acquired my education. There was no silver spoon in my mouth when I was born at the bottom of the great depression. I was almost homeless.

We need to restore equal opportunity to our people—all the people. This does not mean guaranteed success. It means equal opportunity for success for all. As we are now, equal opportunity is a myth.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller, signing off. Email me at

P.S. Did I mention or say anything above about us needing war? I don’t think so. Although we might come to such, it should be only under our lifesaving need. War is negative productivity, gaining nothing in the long run except for the Corporatocracy and Power Elite. Really. What did we gain in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.?

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Selfie

I hope you will forgive my candor; but, over the years, I have observed that people in general (in our part of the world, anyway) seem to be narcissistic, lazy (mentally and physically), and more oriented toward comfort, ease, and entertainment, living a life of relative luxury and caring less for those less fortunate—if it ain’t in our back yard, to hell with it. They just need to get a job.

Except for the twenty-plus million who lost their lively hoods before and during the financial crisis of  2007 and 08 (and still haven’t found work) and those who have come to their senses since, most are still living beyond their means in a false economy, in debt up to their ears, personal and government, fat, ignorant, and deluded. For the most part, they haven’t experienced the poverty and misery of the 30’s (a side of the moon they have never seen) nor that of the present from which they have been temporarily saved, partially by financial safety nets carried forward from the past, e.g. Social Security, healthcare, unemployment insurance, etc., along with vast infusions of cash (borrowed money) by our government. Neither are they aware that, “as they sleep”, their livelihoods and their country are being stolen right out from under them by a Corporatocracy and Plutocracy (Power Elite).  This is sad; but, what is worse, we seem to not to want to know. We don’t want to deal with it. Let someone else. Our future generations—our children, grandchildren, don’t matter.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

You Know 2

          Despite our growing tolerance and de facto practice of sexual and social immorality, for the most part, in our country, fornication, adultery, and sexual sin remain socially unacceptable and legally de jure. We remain true to the Biblical standard until, you know, that special person comes along for whom we have that special attraction; and, you know, they, for whatever unknown reason, has that special attraction for us, you know; and then, all our needs come flowing out—you know (I must get all those “you knows” in there so as to keep up with the modern ignorance English which I hear all the time on television, C-span’s Washington Journal, for example), we just cannot help ourselves—the de facto cuts in. Insofar as our spouse is concerned, well, that’s another matter, now isn’t it? It’s hard to feel another’s hunger when our own stomach is being filled (or full), isn’t it—you know what I'm saying?

Time and events will pass until, down the road, we will revisit this question (That is if we haven’t been maimed, murdered, or consumed by the fire of nuclear warfare or other means of terrorism—our spouse for example). In the mean time, we will “mosey on”, doing our thing, creating children out of wedlock, single parent families, divorce, broken homes, running up the abortion meter and all those things—you know. Of course, Republicans will hate this because, you know, it runs up their taxes and all those things, you know, corporate welfare, outrageous executive wages, and tax favoritism notwithstanding—only Democrats do these things; and, well, everybody knows they are the bad guys, but we will leave a certain president for discussion later—you know what I’m saying?

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Culture Needs To Change

          The pundits say, “Throwing money at the education problem won’t help. We have spent billions to no avail” or something to that effect. “We have done this, and we have done that.” We give them welfare, housing, food stamps, and they just live on the dole, none of which has worked”. Perhaps so, but these responses, in my mind, do not fit the reality of the situation. Our problems are much more complex and consist of many variables, the greatest of which are cultural differences in the makeup of our people, differences which we have purposely nurtured over the past hundreds of years since our forefathers came to this land.

Until recently, we have purposely kept our black people segregated. We even enacted laws to insure such. As a result, they have been demeaned, degraded, under-educated, and left to live in poverty, deprivation, unemployment, crime, drugs, homelessness, and the list goes on. In that venue they have gone from a culture of slavery to one we see today. Now we throw a few trillion dollars at them and expect them to think as we think, act as we act, and compete with the rest of us economically on an equal footing as if the past never happened. I must also add that all this certainly hasn't occurred in a vacuum. Many white people have, for a variety of reasons, fallen or been sucked into this vacuum with them.  

I’m going to try and explain what I am trying to say using an analogy. Speaking in general, these people, our underclass (black and white) are like a sports team on a football field with their baseball suits on. We are expecting them to play football, and they are playing baseball. Our economy is capitalism (football)—supposedly highly competitive (another subject for another time). Throughout history we have held these folks in servitude, kept them in the dugout, effectively barred them from the game, and now we expect them to qualify? Are you kidding me? They’re not competitive. They’re not equipped. They don’t fit. They don’t meet the requirements. Of course there are exceptions here and there; there are those who have risen above all this; we all know that; but, by and large, they live in a different world than we do. We must still do all the other things previously discussed, i.e. jobs, education, housing, etc., but we must change the culture too. If we don’t, we are whistling Dixie—pouring money down the drain.

I hear one argument from the black community already. “You’re trying to make a ‘Whitey’ out of us.” No! I’m not!  I want you to become part of the middle class. I want you to have a higher standard of living. I want you and your family to live a better and safer life. I believe you want that too. I think you are sick and tired of sucking hind tit (I am too, by the way). The absolute fact of the matter is that our country can prosper only if our people can prosper, and you are part of our people. Rather than you and us, it must be “We”, we the people. I don’t mean this to be offensive, but let’s pull up our pants, roll up our sleeves, get ourselves educated, gain a vocation or trade, and go to work. And yes, we the people—all of us, are going to have to spend money and do that which is necessary in the process. May God Bless us all.

Ronald Miller

Email me at

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Great Nation

Do you know what it takes to have a prosperous, energetic, and thriving country? The answer is, it takes a prosperous, energetic, and thriving people. No nation, no institution is any greater than the sum total of its citizens or its members, their character, their values, their ambition and drive, their self-respect, their education, their quality of leadership—the degree to which they are civilized. If the people of a nation think only of themselves with little or no regard for their fellow man or their generations to come, they will eventually become a failed state. Have you ever asked yourself why people on our planet have existed for millions of years, and yet recorded history only goes back four thousand or so? Also, have you noticed, within this relatively short span of time (4,000 yrs.), how fast our degree of knowledge has grown and our civilization has expanded? Just think. Grandma and grandpa got away with not having to graduate from high school, but mom and dad had to Today, already, we almost need a college education just to get our “foot in the door”. Knowledge is literally exploding.

I remember back in 1964 while I was with a company in Illinois. There was a film published from BNA Films (I hope I remember the name correctly) on the subject of change. Using a chemical engineer as an example, the film stated that, if on December 31st of a given year, the engineer was up to date and knew everything there was to know about chemical engineering and, for the next twelve months, all he had to do was study and keep updated on all changes in the science, at the end of the year he would be five years behind. The film went on to make the point that one who couldn’t adapt to change would be as out of place as a nudist trying to sneak through a barbed wire fence. That was fifty-one years ago. How far do you think that guy would be behind now? What will be the demands of our future if the economy of our nation will not be able to provide jobs and a decent standard of living for our people? Is there any doubt in anybody’s mind that education must be a major priority of our people?

Studies have shown us. The human mind learns the most in the early years of life. Positive attitudes and habits, values, knowledge, self-discipline, character, people and leadership skills, are begun during these years. To this end, education must begin in a child’s formative years, at home, in school, and in church or synagogue or wherever one worships, and continue on throughout life. This is a requisite for a strong, prosperous, and happy nation. Education must be mandatory, and it must be comprehensive. When we think of education, most of us think of jobs—math, science, and/or vocational skills; but a real education demands, also, learning in the arts, music, history, geography, social studies, business, finance, political science, and language, i.e. English, Latin, etc. A democracy demands the participation of all the people, and participation in a democracy demands the knowledge to responsibly fulfill the duty. Education and values are the direction we must follow for us to rise above ignorance, poverty, and degradation, i.e. unemployment, homelessness, crime, drugs, broken homes, gangs, and starvation.

Ronald Miller

Email me at