
Friday, June 5, 2015

The American Voter

I never cease to be amazed by the thinking of the average American voter. Their intellectual level notwithstanding, their resistance to the process of learning and reasoning, for the most part anyway, is exceeded only by their lack of knowledge and naïveté. Oh well. Perhaps I just answered my own question. Perhaps the latter is the result of the former—do you think?

To my way of thinking, the Presidency of the United States of America is one of the highest executive positions in one of the largest and most important institutions in the world, i.e. our country; and members of our Congress serving in our House of Representatives and the Senate are its board of directors. You don’t get a greater, more responsible, CEO position than that; and neither do you get a greater, more responsible, Board of Directors. Not only is it past time for those holding those positions to start acting like it and responsibly fulfill those responsibilities; but, also, it is past time for the people of our country to come to their senses and elect people to those offices who are honest to the core, loyal, qualified, competent, and willing to serve for the good of the people, the nation, and ultimately, the planet. I hope I'm not expecting too much from them.

When you vote for people in these extremely important high echelon positions, this is no game—you are voting to hire them. You are not voting for the class president at your high school or for the local dog catcher. These people can mean life or death for you and your country. In their handling of issues such as international relations, war and peace, or the ecology, they can mean life and death for the planet. Think of your grandchildren and succeeding generations.

That your grandfather was a Whig, your father was a Whig, and/or you have been a Whig all your life is not a valid reason to vote for the Whig party. In all honesty, it is a reason derived from ignorance. That the candidate has beautiful hair, a wonderful personality, or drinks your brand of whiskey is on no consequence either. The question is how good an executive is he? What kind of manager will he be? Can he manage people? Will he get results for you? Is he honest, or will he lie, cheat, and steal from you? Where is his financing coming from? Does the candidate or those who finance him represent your interests and those of the country? For that matter, will he even show up for work? Some don’t, you know. The point is, as a voter you must study, think, and analyze—get the facts. It should not be necessary to remind you that you won’t find them in the constant battering of political advertising, propaganda, and brainwashing to which you will be constantly exposed on a daily basis, spewed out to influence the ignorant.

Election Day is coming. November of 2016 will be here sooner than we think. It is imperative that we diligently prepare for that day; and, when it arrives, we should go to the polls and vote rationally and intelligently. It is imperative that we vote for those candidates who represent our own interests. Who represents yours? Are you poor? Are you working or unemployed? Are you homeless? Are you in need of healthcare you can afford? Are you on Social Security? Are you disabled? Are you on Food Stamps? Are you middleclass? Are your jobs being outsourced to foreign countries, to slave labor? Or, on the other hand, are you in the top 1% of the people, those taking in the highest income and holding the most wealth among us–those on the top end (the receiving end) of the income inequality picture—those whose interests are represented by our Shadow Government, the Corporatocracy and Power Elite who finance our elections and have taken over our government. Chances are that you are one of the 99% of us. Who represents you? You know who represents them.

In either event, what is any of this discussion worth if you don’t get out and vote, intelligently fulfilling your constitutional responsibility as a citizen and protect your interests? One thing you can count on–you can take it to the bank, the Corporatocracy and Power Elite will be there. They’re paying for it. Think of them like a cancer. You may not see them; but, trust me, they are there. If you don’t stop them, one day it will be over for you. It will be over for our democracy.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller, signing off. Email me at

1 comment:

  1. Ron you are right and I totally agree with you but…
    As stated on the first paragraph of your article “…their lack of knowledge and naïveté.” is the answer.
    It is the lack of knowledge to understand that our nation and most of the world is ruled by the few who control the money (the Central Banks) and the naïveté in thinking that we can replace such them by just voting.
    The nations that refuse their Central Banks are labeled as evil nations, terrorists and vile dictators (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, North Korea, Cuba and so on). Some have been taken down and others still resist. Yet, Americans are convinced that these nations that have been marked for destruction for their resilience into retaining sovereignty are indeed evil. Unknown to most Germany was marked for destruction when it did just that. This can be understood by reading the firs article in the links below.
    History shows that some of our presidents resisted, such as Madison who was in return given The War of 1812. John F Kennedy was the last to stand in their way and his public and brutal execution was an example for anyone who dared to challenge them.
    No matter whom we elect he or she will not control the Federal Reserve and that is the entity that controls our nation’s money and dictates our present and future. The bankers have ruled for centuries, denied sovereignty and no one so far has come up with a way to change it. Countries like Russia who are defying such authority are black listed and given sanctions.
    I have a blog too.

    The two links inserted below are the most comprehensive work that I have read on the bankers and Illuminati subject..
