
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Selfie

I hope you will forgive my candor; but, over the years, I have observed that people in general (in our part of the world, anyway) seem to be narcissistic, lazy (mentally and physically), and more oriented toward comfort, ease, and entertainment, living a life of relative luxury and caring less for those less fortunate—if it ain’t in our back yard, to hell with it. They just need to get a job.

Except for the twenty-plus million who lost their lively hoods before and during the financial crisis of  2007 and 08 (and still haven’t found work) and those who have come to their senses since, most are still living beyond their means in a false economy, in debt up to their ears, personal and government, fat, ignorant, and deluded. For the most part, they haven’t experienced the poverty and misery of the 30’s (a side of the moon they have never seen) nor that of the present from which they have been temporarily saved, partially by financial safety nets carried forward from the past, e.g. Social Security, healthcare, unemployment insurance, etc., along with vast infusions of cash (borrowed money) by our government. Neither are they aware that, “as they sleep”, their livelihoods and their country are being stolen right out from under them by a Corporatocracy and Plutocracy (Power Elite).  This is sad; but, what is worse, we seem to not to want to know. We don’t want to deal with it. Let someone else. Our future generations—our children, grandchildren, don’t matter.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at

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