
Friday, July 17, 2015

Same Sex Marriage

          In our great nation, we have a population of approximately three hundred twenty million people with just as many viewpoints and opinions. Even my wife doesn’t agree with me all the time. This is in conjunction with our constitutional right to freedom of speech and thought. This having been said, I submit to you that when one exercises his (or her) right to free expression of their viewpoints and opinions, their implementation of which notwithstanding, they have the responsibility and obligation to know what they are talking about and the context within which they are being expressed. To this end, I want to express my understanding of the context in which our U.S. Supreme Court issued their opinion in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges re., marriage between two people of the same sex. I think I’m right in my thinking. If, however, you disagree, please let me know where I’m wrong. Please communicate tenderly, though, so as to not hurt my feelings and cause me to feel bad.

          The first fact which one must understand is that our nation was established as a secular nation with the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, including freedom of religion and all other rights included in the first ten amendments to our Constitution. The right to not believe in a God is allowed right along with the right to believe. That’s why we call it freedom of religion. We have a division of church and state. I am a Christian and my understanding of God’s will is that we, as Christians, have the freedom of choice. We can accept our God or we can reject him. Jesus tells us (I’m paraphrasing, of course) to spread the word; and, if we are not received, we should shake the dust from our sandals and move on. Our religion is one of free choice. We are not forced. Jesus also tells us to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. What this all means, in my mind, is that we are to not mix our government with our religion—everyone is to be treated equal under the law, their religion notwithstanding.

          Second, and I am compelled to say this, we are taught that “no man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Matt’ 6:24)”. After its decision in the case of Citizens United v. FEC, I would have been surprised if SCOTUS had ruled in any other way in Obergefell v. Hodges—both cases are contrary to Biblical teachings. On the other hand, as I think about it, at least homosexuals were born the way they are. Corporations certainly were not (born people).

          This is neither here nor there with the subject of separation of church and state; but, in this country at any rate, it would appear that Christianity is fading—we are losing our faith. As we step aside and passively allow the Corporatocracy and Power Elite take over our government, it would seem to me that we more and more are replacing God with mammon. Past leaders of our nation such as the Roosevelts, Theodore (1901-1909) and Franklin Delano (1933-1945), contributed greatly toward braking their growth; but, beginning in the ‘70’s, and especially in 1981, the race to domination of our country by the oligarchy (our shadow government presently in power) of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite has been “on”; and it appears they are winning. In his book, Democracy in America, Alexis DeTocqueville warns us of the evil and danger of declining faith (and values) in a democracy.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at


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