
Friday, June 12, 2015

Trade Agreement

          Today is the day “the lord has made” or “the lord” hopes so; and I’m not talking about the Lord who is our God. I’m talking about “the lord” who rules over us politically—our Shadow Government by the multinational corporations and world elite. This is no conspiracy theory. These trade agreements are a real conspiracy, happening before our eyes—reducing our nation more and more to just another state within a world government—the loss of our democracy.

 I don’t ask you to believe me. I ask you to see for yourself. Look it up. There are many books on this subject. Check out Open the article, Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the “High Priests of Globalization”. Read the article in Wikipedia, Bilderberg Group. Read about the development of the European Union and how the nations involved had to subordinate their laws to those of the union effectively reducing them to the status of a state. Read “between the lines”. Now, with the involvement of the Pacific Rim countries of Asia, the Trans Pacific Partnership, the TPP, their goals will be just twelve more steps toward success—a world government. If we the American people allow these trade laws to go through, we are fools. Their name notwithstanding, these laws are part of a large chess game—they are about the domination of our country by the multi-national corporations and world elite.

          This is not about partisanship, i.e. Republican vs. Democrat. This is about the interests of the people of our nation—all the people; and I don’t believe the loss of our democracy is in our interest. Multinational corporations should not have the right to govern us. Beware of all this secret stuff. In my mind, trade is a sub-issue of these treaties. The real issue at stake is our sovereignty. Before we vote for it, let’s see it. Seeing is believing. Secrecy corrupts.

          In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller, signing off. Email me at

1 comment:

  1. Ron I agree with you and your remarks on the world’s elite, Bilderberg Group, Rockefeller… clearly shows that you understand about the shadow government. Important also is how the conduct business in our nation which affects the safety and security of our citizens. That hinges on the missing links which also need to be studied in order to coming closer to getting the entire picture.
    The most comprehensive and extensive work done on this unresolved issue; it is a key element in understanding the rest.
