
Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Nation of Law

‘You know? I absolutely abhor being controlled. I may be wrong, but I suspect you do too. I think we all do—it’s our nature. As a matter of fact, there are times when I perceive that someone is trying to control me when I will purposely do just the opposite even if it might not be in my interest—even if it hurts; my wife says I’m stubborn. On the other hand, there is a “right and wrong” about things. I don’t mind following rules that help us all to live together in peace and harmony with one another if it is the “right thing” to do. I remember the prosecutor on Law and Order, that famous television program, saying that your freedom ends and mine begins at the tip of our noses. For us all to live in peace, and we must, we must never forget that. We need laws—all kinds of laws; to provide rules of order that we may live our lives in liberty and happiness with equal opportunity for all. We are a nation of law and we must obey them if we want to survive.

There is a beauty in this, at first, not readily apparent. We are a democratic republic “of the people, by the people, and for the people”. Abraham Lincoln reminded us of this in his speech at Gettysburg after the Civil War. In our democracy, all of us—every qualified citizen— has a say in the creation of these laws through our elected representatives. Today, we have a population approximating 320 million people with 320 million opinions differing in one way or another (You have heard it said,”Even my wife doesn’t agree with me all the time”). The beauty of our system is that, although the majority prevails, the minority is protected from the tyranny of a majority by our Constitution and the Bill of Rights contained within. The majority of us cannot oppress the minority. We have a legislative branch of government to create the rules by which we are governed, an executive branch to execute them, and a United States Supreme Court to insure their adherence to our Constitution.

This is absolutely wonderful! But there is a problem. The system is smudged and failing. It is broken. We have an electorate which, for the most part, is either misinformed or uninformed, complacent, fails to participate, and wants to stay that way, and a legislative body, the majority of which has “sold out” to a Shadow Government by the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, aka an oligarchy of multinational corporations and the very rich and powerful world elite, a president whose motives appear questionable (the Democratic Party is touted as a party of the people—not Wall Street), and a supreme court which certainly hasn’t helped, calling a legal entity, corporations, people with the right of free speech. The result is that we are losing our democracy and our sovereignty as a nation. Rather than a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, we are going in another direction and we won’t like it when we get there. We are on our way to a world government by corporations and world elite.

This new world trade agreement is just one more step. And how do I know? I know; You know; We know, what they have done in the past. Now, it’s a secret. Although it’s certainly understandable why negotiations of a trade agreement would be behind closed doors, it is not understandable that we can’t read it (and amend if necessary) before it is passed. We the people need to see this—no fast track, no TPP, until we do. Really! It’s in our court—we the people. It’s past time for us to stop “sucking our thumbs”.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at

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