
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Culture Needs To Change

          The pundits say, “Throwing money at the education problem won’t help. We have spent billions to no avail” or something to that effect. “We have done this, and we have done that.” We give them welfare, housing, food stamps, and they just live on the dole, none of which has worked”. Perhaps so, but these responses, in my mind, do not fit the reality of the situation. Our problems are much more complex and consist of many variables, the greatest of which are cultural differences in the makeup of our people, differences which we have purposely nurtured over the past hundreds of years since our forefathers came to this land.

Until recently, we have purposely kept our black people segregated. We even enacted laws to insure such. As a result, they have been demeaned, degraded, under-educated, and left to live in poverty, deprivation, unemployment, crime, drugs, homelessness, and the list goes on. In that venue they have gone from a culture of slavery to one we see today. Now we throw a few trillion dollars at them and expect them to think as we think, act as we act, and compete with the rest of us economically on an equal footing as if the past never happened. I must also add that all this certainly hasn't occurred in a vacuum. Many white people have, for a variety of reasons, fallen or been sucked into this vacuum with them.  

I’m going to try and explain what I am trying to say using an analogy. Speaking in general, these people, our underclass (black and white) are like a sports team on a football field with their baseball suits on. We are expecting them to play football, and they are playing baseball. Our economy is capitalism (football)—supposedly highly competitive (another subject for another time). Throughout history we have held these folks in servitude, kept them in the dugout, effectively barred them from the game, and now we expect them to qualify? Are you kidding me? They’re not competitive. They’re not equipped. They don’t fit. They don’t meet the requirements. Of course there are exceptions here and there; there are those who have risen above all this; we all know that; but, by and large, they live in a different world than we do. We must still do all the other things previously discussed, i.e. jobs, education, housing, etc., but we must change the culture too. If we don’t, we are whistling Dixie—pouring money down the drain.

I hear one argument from the black community already. “You’re trying to make a ‘Whitey’ out of us.” No! I’m not!  I want you to become part of the middle class. I want you to have a higher standard of living. I want you and your family to live a better and safer life. I believe you want that too. I think you are sick and tired of sucking hind tit (I am too, by the way). The absolute fact of the matter is that our country can prosper only if our people can prosper, and you are part of our people. Rather than you and us, it must be “We”, we the people. I don’t mean this to be offensive, but let’s pull up our pants, roll up our sleeves, get ourselves educated, gain a vocation or trade, and go to work. And yes, we the people—all of us, are going to have to spend money and do that which is necessary in the process. May God Bless us all.

Ronald Miller

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