
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Edward Snowden

There are traitors and there are whistleblowers. Sometimes there is a fine line in-between. Sometimes there is even an overlap. In the final analysis, the determining factor as to which is which centers on loyalty and intent, i.e. did the “traitor” intend to destroy our country or did he intend to save it. Final judgment of Edward Snowden as to whether or not he is a traitor to our/his country must be based on this. 

I believe Edward Snowden is a whistleblower and not a traitor. He may be even a hero from one point of view. God only knows how far down the thorny path to tyranny our government would have taken us, if not for Edward Snowden. Secrecy and the classification of information in our country (in my opinion) have gone too far beyond the need for national security. One’s political security isn’t covered by the law. I submit to you that the power(s) of the NSA have been significantly abused to the detriment of our democracy, at times leaving even our Congress out of the “Loop”.

While I’m writing this, I want to make one additional observation. In legalese, there are the terms, de jure and de facto. De jure means “according to the law”, the way things are supposed to be. De facto means “in fact or in practice”, the way it’s really done or works in practice. What does this have to do with anything? It has to do with everything! I take exception with those who claim that Snowden had other courses which he could pursue in order to call this problem to the attention of government. Right—in terms of de jure, he did. Wrong!—in terms of de facto, he did not.

Did any of you read the recent article (last week) in the New York Times concerning the alleged abuse of employees by Amazon? Mr. Bezos, CEO of Amazon, responded by requesting his employees to report the abuses to management and they would be “looked into” (not good English—paraphrased, but you get the idea, I’m sure). Check out on Wikipedia and “click on” item 13.2, Working Conditions. It appears their problem with working conditions began in 2011. This is 2015. Do you really believe their de jure system for reporting to the top is working? From other cases about which I have read, it appears we aren’t enforcing the whistleblower laws we presently have on the books—so much for that other route to reporting.

Thank you, Edward Snowden. You have done a service to your country. When you came into office, Mr. President Obama, you promised transparency in government. I presume, consistent with your promise, you are in agreement with me.

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller, signing off. Email me at



  1. It took decades to implement this invasive and oppressive system. It was with no doubt and a little research would prove it the work Neo-Cons and Zionists. We can begin with the false flag event of 9/11 as NeoCons and Zionists having been the real perpetrators. They set up this police state system because they knew that at some point in the future the people would challenge it. It is going to take years to dismantle it but we are in the process.
    How much power do they still have? Prove of this is that until now in spite of efforts the Obama administration have not even been able to close the Guantanamo prison.
    The perpetrators of this parade themselves day after day in the media, mostly Fox News which has been their biggest propaganda tool for their agenda.

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