
Friday, June 26, 2015

Our Democratic Republic

                    I am sitting here this morning watching a session of our House of Representatives on television. They are obviously debating, but whom? It’s an almost empty house. There’s nobody there except a handful. I have always been taught that a debater needs a debatee—someone to debate, someone to listen. The Congressional Record certainly doesn’t listen, and I find it difficult to believe our representatives read everything printed within. What is all the talk other than, for the most part, political PR? It’s certainly not a real debate. What good is an empty house? It sure doesn’t beat a full house, now does it?

To paraphrase the late Winston Churchill, one of the greatest, if not the greatest, leaders who has ever lived, who is quoted to have said, “A democracy is one of the worst forms of government there is, but I can’t think of any better”, ours, the democratic republic of The United States of America, appears to be a prime example. On the whole, speaking in general, our citizens, the electorate, who are responsible for deciding who our representatives will be and, therefore, the direction of our nation, frequently don’t vote; and, those who do, vote based on uninformed opinion and prejudice with little or no knowledge of the real facts involved or where our country is going. It would appear they have little time or interest. As a consequence and/or in conjunction with this, the representatives who are elected fail to represent the people who voted for them, representing, rather, those who seduce them with campaign contributions, bribes, and special favors, effectively passing control of our nation from the people to a shadow government of huge multi-national corporations and very rich and powerful elite, i.e. an oligarchy of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, which really governs us.

          There is no doubt about it. Our Founding Fathers were brilliant. They were geniuses. But none could see three hundred years into the future nor should they be so expected. Times now are as different as day and night from times past. It is time for an update. It is time for a change. We need to amend our Constitution, bringing it forward to the present. It is past time to rid ourselves of our shadow government. Only Americans should rule America and that should be a rule by all Americans—not just the rich and powerful here and abroad.

          In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at

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