
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

You Know 2

          Despite our growing tolerance and de facto practice of sexual and social immorality, for the most part, in our country, fornication, adultery, and sexual sin remain socially unacceptable and legally de jure. We remain true to the Biblical standard until, you know, that special person comes along for whom we have that special attraction; and, you know, they, for whatever unknown reason, has that special attraction for us, you know; and then, all our needs come flowing out—you know (I must get all those “you knows” in there so as to keep up with the modern ignorance English which I hear all the time on television, C-span’s Washington Journal, for example), we just cannot help ourselves—the de facto cuts in. Insofar as our spouse is concerned, well, that’s another matter, now isn’t it? It’s hard to feel another’s hunger when our own stomach is being filled (or full), isn’t it—you know what I'm saying?

Time and events will pass until, down the road, we will revisit this question (That is if we haven’t been maimed, murdered, or consumed by the fire of nuclear warfare or other means of terrorism—our spouse for example). In the mean time, we will “mosey on”, doing our thing, creating children out of wedlock, single parent families, divorce, broken homes, running up the abortion meter and all those things—you know. Of course, Republicans will hate this because, you know, it runs up their taxes and all those things, you know, corporate welfare, outrageous executive wages, and tax favoritism notwithstanding—only Democrats do these things; and, well, everybody knows they are the bad guys, but we will leave a certain president for discussion later—you know what I’m saying?

In the mean time, this is Ronald Miller,, signing off. Email me at

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