
Thursday, October 17, 2013

          What do you know? Our sixteen day (or whatever) shutdown of government is over–at least for now anyway–at an estimated cost of twenty-four billion dollars and, I don’t know how much, misery and discontent for our people and our country. Do you really think it was worth it? Really? How utterly stupid has this whole circus been? Winston Churchill has been quoted as having said that “a democracy is the worst form of government there is, but I know none better” (or something to that effect). This debacle has to be a shining example of what he said. This event has to be criminal, but it isn’t. We only have laws for the “little people”. We’re the only ones, it seems, that ever go to jail. Of course I know differently, but it certainly appears that way at times.

          I have discussed with you before, our Shadow Government, our real government that controls all of us from behind the scenes, the power elite. What you may think notwithstanding, I haven’t been talking about some deep mysterious conspiracy theory or the likes of that. Our Shadow Government is real–very real–and this shutdown validates it. If you have been following this event, then you are already aware of the part played by the so-called Tea Party movement, a small part of the Republican Party–just a small minority. Where did they secure the immense power to hold the whole government hostage? Let me introduce you to Heritage Action, a 501(c)(4) “social welfare” political action group (an off-shoot of the Heritage Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) charity) organized to “harness the rising tea party movement and provide a vehicle for Heritage to press its arguments without having to register its analysts as lobbyists”, something the Heritage Foundation couldn't do as a 501(c)(3) [Google Washington Post article, “With New Grass-Roots Muscle, Heritage Foundation Stirs the Base and Alienates Allies”]). This is just one part of our Shadow Government–there are many more. No one voted for it or them; but, nevertheless, they have the power. They have the money and power through which they control our elected officials. The Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court of the United States cinched that for all of us. How much power do you have, American people, with your “one” vote?

          Well, folks, I can tell you this. They have the money and the power, but there are more of us than there are of them. As long as we have the right to vote, every elected representative in the government is, in the final analysis, dependent on our vote in order to keep their job. Most spending by the Shadow Government on politics is spent on influencing our vote through advertising propaganda, campaign contributions, i.e. bribes, etc. That’s the furthest they can go. Our elected representatives vote in Congress according to his or her perception of how we might vote under that influence. In the end, however, the final decision remains ours (for now, at least) unless they commit fraud in the voting process–an act more likely to be done by them than by us at the polls. The trick is, if we can do it, for us to not let ourselves be influenced by these lying propagandists. That means we must keep abreast of current events and “read up” (pronounced “red”)–the responsibility of every citizen in a democratic republic such as ours. The irresponsible element in our Congress, both the house and the senate, must be voted out of office. Just remember. There are no problems in our government, financial or otherwise, that weren't created by Congress. What just happened to us was no act of God.

Ronald Miller


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