
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Let Us Understand

Day six of the shutdown of our government is upon us, another day in the trenches. Let us understand. This country is in desperately serious trouble. As a whole, our people, after three quarters of a century, living under a false prosperity fostered by exorbitant debt and extravagant living, have become fat, spoiled, lazy, and passive sheep, preyed upon by a “Shadow Government” consisting of the “Power Elite”, pulling the strings from behind the scenes, and a body of elected officials whose primary concern is serving their own interests and perpetuating themselves in office by selling themselves to the former. In conjunction, a major segment of corporate capitalist power in our nation, resorting to slave labor abroad, tax avoidance and evasion at home, and bribery of our elected representatives through campaign contributions, intimidation, and other, has focused their purpose and priority on power and profits, to fill their coffers to the detriment of our people whom they are supposed to serve and their standard of living. The words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt come to mind: “We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics.”

Are we ever going to learn? We didn’t learn in 1929; and, it seems, we aren’t learning now. It is déjà vu, all over, again.  

Ronald Miller

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