
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Personal “Gumption”
          Our nation’s many problems notwithstanding, there is one, above all, which is discussed very little; and, the solution to which is absolutely imperative if we are to effectively resolve the others. That is the lack of personal “gumption” within so many of us–so very many.

“Gumption”– what does that mean?, your free encyclopedia, tells us “gumption” means “energy of mind and body, enthusiasm (synonyms:  gumph or chutzpah)”. It, also, can refer to “boldness of enterprise; initiative or aggressiveness, i.e. guts, spunk, initiative.

In my August 8th posting to this blog titled Our Underclass–The Bottom Feeders, I discussed those among us who are able to work but will not do so, i.e. don’t or won’t. There are those who can go to school but drop out, turning their backs on and refusing this golden opportunity. There are, also, those who are, or have become unemployable due to behavioral shortcomings, a lack of values, inability to relate to their fellow workers, credit problems, and so on. Now, it’s a no-brainer. It goes without saying. These folk have to eat. Their children must be fed; they must have a roof over their heads. What can they do?  They turn to crime, sell drugs (to which many become addicted), join gangs,–all these things, all bad, resulting in extreme poverty, broken homes, children out of wedlock, and discontent in general.

This having been said, I’m sure every one of you will agree that “the whole is the sum total of its parts”. Our country–any country–is the sum total of, and no better than, the sum total of its people. Therefore, it calculates just as in algebra, these people are a negative to the well being of our country–a detractor from the prosperity of our nation, and their condition must be eliminated. A way must be found to move these people up and into the middleclass. If this is done, they, you, I, and our whole nation will be much happier and well-off. So, what can we do?

There are many things our nation can do. First and foremost, for those who will accept, a strong faith in Jesus Christ will go a long way. Secondly, an immediate need is for jobs. It’s absolutely imperative. Third, a formal education is a must. Given our immense growth in technology, even a minimal high school education is no longer acceptable. You may not like it, but face it. If we want a prosperous and free country with liberty for all, our people must be able to sustain themselves. If everyone is on welfare, who will pay the bills? To this end, we need a law that mandates an education for everyone, beginning early when their learning ability is the greatest, pre K through grade 12. We should begin educating children with the teaching of values, how to read and write, arithmetic, multiplication tables, English language skills, personal budgeting, paying one’s bills, and how to reconcile their checking account; we should teach them responsibility. For some dysfunctional families, it may be necessary to go so far as to remove children from the home. All graduates must attain either a skilled trade, enabling them to qualify for employment or an academic certificate qualifying them for advanced education in college. The one given is, again, jobs.

Given the availability of work, all of the other suggestions should work. However, there is one missing element in the above solutions, personal “gumption”. I told you the definition, above; but I have my own. I call it “get up and go”. It’s a bald fact of life, folks; you can’t push a wet noodle up an inclined plane. I’m afraid I don’t have an answer to that question. I just know one thing. A country wherein a significant percentage of the people are on welfare, living off “the other half” just can’t prosper and remain stable. There are some things a person must do for himself. In the final analysis, however, this is a problem our nation must solve if we are to hold our place as a world leader.

This is my take on the matter, folks. What are your thoughts? I really would appreciate your comments and/or suggestions.

Ronald Miller

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