
Saturday, October 12, 2013

 A Thought to Consider

                I might be on a football field wearing my baseball suit (a favorite expression of mine); I’ve been there before; but, from my perspective, it is my observation that if the top five percent of the people (an estimate of the rich and powerful–aka the power elite) in our country has their way and remains on the same path they are currently following, the remaining ninety-five percent of us will be relegated to the status of serfs or slaves. The irony in this is that a significant percentage of the ninety-five percent will have voted for them–either unwittingly or having erroneously identified themselves as one of them (ego gets its desserts). Sadly, another ever increasing percentage of that ninety-five percent, our underclass, thinks the world owes them a living. In some respects, but not for the same reason they think, perhaps it does. We all have been so exploited, especially the underclass, they may have reason to feel “owed”. However, that too would be in error.

            Every able body is called upon to earn their bread by the sweat of their brow–that is, to produce, to be productive. In the same vein, every living person is called upon to “Love their neighbor as themselves”. That certainly includes being fair to our fellow man in all respects. Serfdom, slavery, and exploitation are beyond the pale.

Ronald Miller


  1. The massive transfer of wealth to the top income earners that has occurred over the past decade is nothing short of an atrocity. Inflationary costs, higher food and gas prices, the drastic increase in college tuition, increased energy costs all coupled with a stagnant middle class wage has definitely hurt the average working American. This corporatism that has taken hold of our representatives in congress has done nothing to help the poor, the middle class, the elderly or our political standing across the globe.

    In 2010 when the Supreme decided under Citizens United v. Federal Election Committee that independent expenditures from corporations were protected under the First Amendment as a form of 'free speech', they effectively decided that the wealthy elite were given a louder voice in our government than those who are less wealthy. They took away our representative democracy and gave it to those with the means to buy their voice in congress; as is readily identifiable in our present House of Representatives. Ten years from now people will look at that decision as the time when America lost a large portion of it's freedom through democracy; the same democracy that helped make our country the global economic power that it once was.

    I enjoy your thoughts on it being important that all able bodied citizens must "earn their bread by the sweat of their brow". It is important that Americans work, not only for themselves, their sense of pride and their way of means, but also for our country's economy to function at a high and efficient level. The current unemployment levels continue to hurt America's standard of living and it is important that we aim for full employment, or as close to it as possible. However, it is equally important that something is done about the devastating problem of underemployment, as quality union jobs in manufacturing have left for oversees and low-paying service jobs have flooded the job market post recession. It is these very service jobs that I feel are online with your comments about the slavery of our working class, because it is very obvious that the elites in this country are more and more in need of low wage service.


  2. Thank you for your comments, Mathew. I'm very proud of you. Not only were your thoughts right on target, but, also, they were well written. It would be nice if you would write a blog, also. You would do a good job. It's important to get the word out to everybody from as many sources as possible.

    Most people refuse to read. That is very sad as our nation is in serious trouble, verging on a national disaster, and people are paying little or no attention. When they open their eyes, they will be open for a shock.

    I hope you get a chance to read my other postings. They go back to July 15th, when I first started to write.
