
Saturday, October 5, 2013


I turned on the news channel this morning and the first thing I heard was talk about negotiating a reduction of entitlements in order to “reopen” our government. I don’t really like that word, entitlement. For one thing, it is ambiguous. I am not always quite sure what that means. For now, however, I’m going to assume they are talking about Social Security and Medicare. What do you know? Isn't that what I have been telling you? This is the strategy they have been pursuing all along–to get rid of Social Security and Medicare. See?

I don’t know how successful I have been, but I have tried to write my postings to this blog in a discussion mode and not preach. This, however, is one instance when I feel I must. From the viewpoint of one who feels strongly in favor of a strong and prosperous nation with equal opportunity and security for all the people, Social Security and national healthcare are absolutely imperative. We should NEVER let anyone talk us out of or take from us that belief.

I frequently hear from young people, “Social Security will not be around when I retire”. I’ll tell you something folks, Social Security will be here if you want it, but you must be willing to fight for it. It is still true that WE VOTE. That much hasn't changed–YET. In the same vein, so, also, must we continue our fight for national healthcare. We will have nothing if we continue to remain passive and apathetic, looking to others to carry on our citizen responsibilities of governing.

I don’t know how aware you are of this, but we are literally sitting on an economic and social powder keg in this country. I don’t know the exact figure; but, what our illustrious politicians tell us notwithstanding, there are close to twenty million people out of work. And, they continue to remain out of work. Furthermore, they aren't going away. For all the jobs we create, there are just as many (approximately) coming new into the market every day. Many of our unemployed are down and out, hungry, with some living in their cars and on the streets. This isn't light stuff.

If it weren't for Social Security, we would be in a depression right now; and some of our leaders, aka politicians, want to reduce it (i.e. eliminate)? Angrily, I might call them “nuts” or “stupid”. Truthfully, I know they aren't “nuts” or “stupid”.  They are, for the most part, really intelligent people, or they wouldn't be where they are. It’s their integrity I question–even, at times, their patriotism. They know exactly what they’re doing. They know what they are after, and they have a plan to attain their goal. I don’t know what their ultimate goal is, but one can rest assured it isn't for the benefit of your or my interest, the common people in this nation. Neither is it for the benefit of our nation. I submit to you, folks. We are productive in this country–we produce; and we produce everyday enough gross domestic product (GDP) for us to do what we have to do and pay for what we need to pay in order to remain strong, prosperous, and with equal opportunity for all within a balanced budget, if we only will. We produce the money, folks, the only question being who receives it–into whose bank account it goes. The numbers are there for all to see. The growing inequality of income and wealth, and to whom it is going is no secret either. Guess what! It ain't us!

I see these bumper stickers every day that say, “Take back our country”. Oh? What does that mean? Who is going to take it, and from whom is it going to be taken? How? When? I’ll tell you this. It is going to take more than a bumper sticker to get our affairs back in order; but, whatever, it has to begin with YOU.

Ronald Miller

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