
Friday, October 11, 2013

Negotiating the Reopening of Our Government

Our elected officials are in the midst of negotiating the reopening of our national government,  a noble endeavor indeed. I don’t know what they’re doing as their talks are behind closed doors, but they’re probably in the process of incorporating my opinions in their decisions. Yea! You can bet on that. Not! If I may, however, please let me share them with you anyway.

The first thing we should do is center the talks around the overall good of our country, i.e. the needs, concerns, interests, and well-being of our people, and our sovereign nation as a whole to the exclusion of politics and individuals, with their personal greed, avarice, and selfish ambitions.

Secondly, our Congress should pass the proposed “clean CR” and get our government back into operation, performing its daily operations. In conjunction with this, they should either eliminate or increase the debt limit, preferably eliminating it. This mush should be done before proceeding any further with the negotiation. Both issues are imperative to the successful governance of our nation.

Third, Congress needs to take back its power and responsibility to govern from The Shadow Government of the power elite which is now governing our nation through “think tanks”, propaganda, and lobbyists, their “hatchet men” who bribe our elected officials with campaign contributions, intimidation, and harassment of those who refuse to succumb to their control. Three major efforts should be effected to accomplish this: (1) Overturn the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Citizens United v. FEC–corporations are not people and, therefore do not have the right of free speech. (2) Enact a law (or amendment to the Constitution) eliminating campaign contributions in any way, shape, or form and insure that all political campaigns be financed by government, i.e. the taxpayer. (3) Enact national voting rights legislation, establishing standardized voting and legality of multiple parties.

Fourth, develop a national plan to eliminate our deficit and pay off our national debt. The plan should be in writing, planned over the next ten or more years (if necessary) and “stuck to”.

This is for starters; but, in addition, I must say, also, in no way should we have an amendment to balance the budget. Neither should we have a debt limit. This limit has done nothing for the good of our nation except to precipitate dissension, argument, and cost tons of money. We should not hire school children to fill positions in Congress whom we must constantly send “to the corner” for chewing gum in class. This is ridiculous. At times our elected representatives act like clowns in a circus. It’s past time for them to grow up. There is absolutely no reason why grown intelligent men can’t manage our finances prudently without someone or something holding their hand.

That’s my say for today. What’s yours?

Ronald Miller

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