
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Government Shutdown

The bars in Washington, D.C. were full last night; our government is shut down again; and whom do you think are the losers? Of course, it’s the government workers; and, ultimately, the American people. The children play, and we pay. Are we having fun yet?

I want our Speaker of the House, John Boehner, to answer a question for me. What are he and his people trying to accomplish and why? I just thought of a second question. Are they out of their minds?

Let me give you my take on this from the “gitgo”. This whole thing is a game of political chess with no real issues involved other than a grab for political power which I don’t think will be successful. Maybe I’m wrong. We’ll see. I do know this, however. As this circus plays out, the American people will pay dearly for it in wasted money, lost jobs, and an increasingly faltering economy.

Nevertheless, let’s talk about it. Let’s suppose the issue is to rid ourselves of “Obamacare”, which, if so, it is one whale of a very expensive charade. No way will shutting down our government solve that issue. Does anyone, politics notwithstanding, really think it will? I submit to you, President Obama couldn't approve elimination or, even dilution (for that matter) of his healthcare plan if he wanted to. His whole political heritage is vested in that program. Beyond that, what other issue might there be?

You know my view of the Patient Protection and affordable Care Act (PPACA), i.e. Obamacare. I want to see it replaced by a single payer National Health Insurance (NSI) plan run by the private sector, financed through government (armed with the ability to negotiate prices, eliminating the insurance companies from the picture along with their horrendous administrative expenses and excess profits), on a pay as you go basis by a national sales tax. I outlined the whole concept to you in my blog posting of September 30th. The benefits of such a plan are exponentially better for our country. But, shutting down our government is not the way to accomplish anything. Doing that only puts on display, for the entire world to see, the ignorance and myopia of those who propose and support such tactics.

Ronald Miller

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