
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Intelligence vs. Knowledge

It doesn’t always follow that an intelligent individual is knowledgeable. There is a constituent of the people who are both highly intelligent and knowledgeable; but there are also those on the other end of the spectrum lacking in both intellect and knowledge. In the middle we find a large constituent of people with average intelligence and above average knowledge. One might say they have more intellectual curiosity than others and strive to learn. It is my observation and opinion that everyone, by nature, has a tendency to be mentally lazy—some more so than others, leading to another rather large constituent among us who are intelligent, uninformed, opinionated, and biased. 

I won’t attempt to get into a psychological dissertation of the human mind here. Not only would that be beyond our scope; but, also, suffice it to say, I’m not qualified. I’ll only refer to Dr. Daniel Kahneman’s book, Thinking Fast and Slow, in which he tells us there are two types of thinking, reflexive and rational, i.e. fast and slow. We tend to resist the latter and favor the former. Reflex is based on current knowledge—good, bad, or indifferent. It is fast and quick. Rational reasoning is more difficult. It takes more time, effort, and is slow.

And me? I’m dumb, happy, and love MSNBC and Fox News.

Oh, well,

Ronald Miller

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