
Friday, August 17, 2018

Our President, Donald John Trump

Supporters of Donald Trump have consistently said, in effect, “The people of this country, having legitimately elected him as our president, owe it to him to leave him alone and allow him to do his job as chief executive of our country”. I disagree! I submit to you that it is the responsibility of every legal citizen of this country that they, to the very best of their ability, keep abreast of current events and the performance of our government; being sure they vote in every election. That is one reason our Constitution is written in the manner it is written. To this end, it is our duty to critique all those in government for whom we are responsible to vote, and those for whom we are not responsible to vote as well. This nation belongs to all of us—yes, even the poor. This is not my opinion. It is a matter of fact.

What is my opinion is that Donald Trump has not been qualified to be president of this country from the beginning. Even before he was elected to office, multiple books have been written as to the many reasons he is not qualified to hold office. He has now been in office going on two years and every day of his administration has proven them to be right, that he has maintained significant support by his voter base notwithstanding. Donald Trump is not qualified to be president of this nation —a fact patently obvious to anyone who will set aside their biases.

Not a few of those who oppose him have advocated his impeachment—a position I have resisted. I have believed that his impeachment, even if successful, would lead only to the installation of Vice President Pence, though more stable mentally, another loser to the detriment of our country. Given recent current events, however, I have changed my mind. The governance of our great nation has gone from bad to worse. I sincerely believe our country and our way of life is in severe peril, politically, socially, and economically.

We are in peril politically. All one needs to do is study our foreign relations in the Middle East, Russia, and China—all over the world.  We are in peril socially. All one needs to do is study our race relations, immigration policy, voting rules, etc. Donald Trump is a divider—divide and conquer. We are in peril economically. You think this nation is doing well economically. He even tells you so. He talks about the low unemployment figures, the 4.2 percent GDP, the stock market is booming, we are really living the good life—all because of Him. Well, just wait until the SHTF, and it’s just “around the corner”. Very shortly, you will find we/you are not as well off as you think.

In brief, that I not bore you to death, please allow me to explain myself, ridding us of the simplest explanation first—the stock market. One needs to understand, the value of the stock market at any one point in time reflects the net values of the securities bought and sold till then, reflecting the best judgments of the buyers and sellers as to their worth—no more, no less. Also, those values, primarily, are assets owned and/or controlled by the wealthier among us. Those values do not necessarily reflect the state of our economy. I need not tell you. They can crash in a heartbeat.

Our social peril, or problems if you will, I must believe are readily apparent to all of you. I’ll move on to our economy. We do have full employment. It is unarguable. But what kind of jobs do we have? When we, our nation, went into the Great Recession, we lost millions of jobs—good jobs, from the middle class to technology and globalization, i.e. slave labor abroad. Where do you think those middle class people went to find new employment? They replaced those further down on the totem pole, taking their jobs (A really good report on this is to be found in a book titled “When Work Disappears: The World of the New Urban Poor” by William Julius Wilson). Very many of those who filled those jobs are working two and three jobs, not a few of which are minimum wage, which brings me to my next point. In order to make ends meet and/or maintain their current standard of living, many people are borrowing to the hilt on credit cards, second mortgages, payday loans, etc. This debt is pumping up the economy. Next, our Federal Government is borrowing money like there is no tomorrow, pumping money into our economy with no apparent thought as to repayment. Folks! This is a false economy. It cannot and will not last—no matter what you think. We are in economic peril.

One more thought on our economy. You will recall that our financial crisis collapse of 2008 was triggered by the reckless and fraudulent use of derivatives by bankers and the investment community (Don’t believe their lies in denying this. They’ll blame it on Jimmy Carter, mortgages, etc., all of which had a part; but that crash was actually caused by the abuse of derivatives). OK. So what? I do not know the total value of derivatives in circulation at that time. I have heard $400 Trillion. I have heard $900 Trillion. I really don’t know. I do know published an article, June 09, 2010, approximately two years later, reported that “one of the biggest risks to the world’s financial health is the $1.2 Quadrillion derivatives market”. To put that in perspective, the world’s annual gross domestic product (GDP) is between $50 Trillion and $60 Trillion. Folks! A quadrillion is a big number: 1,000 times a Trillion. Don’t believe me. Google it:

Having now justified my change in opinion, I now return to my third paragraph re the impeachment of Donald Trump. This man is a danger to our country. He is a mad man. We the people must remove him from office, immediately if not sooner. We have no choice. We cannot afford to wait another two years. Disagree at your peril and that of your family and children for generations to come.

These are my views. I’m interested in yours. Really.

Ronald Miller

1 comment:

  1. Since 1988 who has been president that has not driven this country into the ground? The nation as it was came to an end in 2008. Obama as well as Trump inherited a mess that can be rebuilt but not fixed. Obama didn't rebuild anything and Trump may just do that but first he has to finish braking it. Bernie Sanders had he been elected he could have done nothing because there is no money to do anything with. Yes the military gets $700 billion but if it is taken away it brakes the system because it is the biggest industry in our nation. Just do like I have, get your popcorn and wait. :-)
