
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Our Wonderful Prosperous Economy

Our glorious and supreme leader tells us we have a wonderful and prosperous economy. Hogwash! We have and live in a false economy. Anyone who thinks we have a prosperous and growing economy is grossly misinformed and/or out of touch with our present reality. The fact is, our economy and our people have been raped and pillaged by the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, who govern our nation, for many years, and their efforts are ongoing as we speak. The downright truth is that the standard of living of the average person in this nation has been on a downhill course since the beginning of the eighties (ever since the Republicans came to office) and is continuing downward to this day. Our economy, as I said, is a false economy.

We are also told our GDP is up; Unemployment is the lowest in years—especially the unemployment of the black population. You think? Why wouldn’t it be? We’re living on borrowed money. We—almost all of us—are up to our necks in debt. Our credit cards are maxed out; our homes are mortgaged to the hilt; our people, on average don’t have enough savings in reserve to even meet minor emergencies; our national deficit and debt is the highest in history (some even say our nation is bankrupt); and our annual deficits and debt are increasing every year—almost to a point of “no return”. Again, our economy is a false economy. We are living on borrowed money.

Are you aware as to how many people are working two and three jobs just to survive? Do you really think this can continue? I tell you, this prosperous economy of which our leaders speak is an illusion—a “pie in the sky”. They are lying through their teeth. They are looking at their standard of living—how they live. They are the “Haves”. They have no ideas as to how the “Have Nots” live. So you keep on spending; have a ball; but remember what I am telling you. Just because we have been doing this, living beyond our means, and getting away with it for so many years doesn’t mean it can continue. We have been living a lie; and, even worse, the outsourcing of jobs through globalization notwithstanding, the rapid increase in technology and automation has left us with a workforce unqualified to do the many high paying jobs that are open to them and going unfilled every day. That’s a fact. These are facts. I’m telling you the truth.

In the subject of accounting, we are taught, “Debits on the left, Credits on the right. I submit this to you for your thinking: The Credits on the right of our nation’s balance sheet, i.e. Our National Debt, are offset by the Debits on the left, the Bank Accounts of our Corporatocracy and Power Elite, taken from “We the People” in their greed and avarice to which there appears to be no end. You may be assured that when the crash comes, they will have cash when we don’t.

The subject of basic economics, Econ 101 if you will, tells us that in bad times one borrows and, in good times, one pays back what he borrowed. Why, in these so-called “good, wonderful, and prosperous times” are we borrowing, i.e. the deficit, like there is no tomorrow? Do we not realize this money must be repaid? When President Obama entered office, January, 2009 he inherited an annual deficit of $1.3 Trillion, a national debt of $10 Trillion, and a crashed economy. When he left office, he had reduced the deficit to approximately $500 Billion and an improving economy. Now our deficit is headed north once again to a Trillion Dollars, our debt is $21 Trillion, and our glorious Speaker of the House is primed on the one hand to take away our Social Security and Healthcare and, on the other to increase our Defense budget when they don’t even have an auditable set of books. Go figure.

It’s past time when we should wake up and start thinking. Republicans vs. Democrats isn’t our real enemy. That’s a distraction to keep us battling one another. Our real enemy is the Corporatocracy and Power Elite who govern us through their lobbyists and other satchel carriers—our Shadow Government, if you will. We need to take back our government, to get private money out of politics, to elect competent moral people to office, reverse Citizens United, and be an informed and responsible people—our obligation as a responsible citizen in a democratic republic; and we should vote in every election. It’s our job—not the other guy’s. You know he, the other guy, isn’t going to do anything.

That’s my view.

Ronald Miller


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