
Friday, August 10, 2018

The Election, November 6, 2018

If, in the election of November 6, 2018, the Democrats regain the majority in the House of Representatives, should they elect Nancy Pelosi to the position of Speaker of the House? Correct me if I’m wrong, but Nancy Pelosi is the most effective fund raiser of any politician in office today. In terms of campaign financing, she is an invaluable fund raiser for the Democratic Party—absolutely invaluable. It’s questionable if they can do without her. Her real worth as a leader of the party, however, is arguably questionable.

This is my view. I believe this nation is in serious trouble, socially, economically, and politically—our democracy is in jeopardy. Really, we are in serious trouble. Whom we elect to office, the Presidency, the Congress, or the Supreme Court is vitally critical to our future, the most important questions being not only whom we elect and their competence but the direction in which we want to go and who will be doing the electing, i.e. the people or the Corporatocracy and Power Elite. Put another way, who’s in control?

Stating this in another manner, you/we are in “deep shit”! Who is running our government and managing the nation’s affairs is critical to our survival and that of our children, grandchildren, and descendants forever. It’s long past due for us to quit being stupid and get with the program—whatever it takes. The competence and leadership ability of our elected representatives is critical. Just as critical is the competence of our electorate. “Stupid is, stupid does” is no longer acceptable. The stakes are just too high. Loyalty to political parties must be discarded. Loyalty to our country must be in the forefront of our minds. Goals and issues must be the subject at hand.

These are my views. I’m interested in yours.

Ronald Miller

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