
Saturday, August 25, 2018


Michael Moore (not the Michael Moore of political fame), former States Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia, said on CNN this morning that President Donald Trump was not the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), of the American people as he thinks he is. WRONG! The problem lies in the definition of CEO. What is a Chief Executive Officer of a company; or, rather, what is not a Chief Executive Officer in a company, exacerbated by the problem that President Trump appears to be completely unaware of just what or who a CEO in as organization really is? 

I submit that a CEO in any well managed company is a leader of the organization—a manager of people, organization, and resources. He is the Chief Executive—not the only executive. He is NOT a Dictator. If he insists on being a dictator, he probably will not survive unless he owns the company in which case, even then, his organization may fail. Dictators do not inspire loyalty, perseverance, and morality in people. Rather, they tend to be, arrogant, narcissistic, pretentious, and myopic. They cultivate negativism, hate, and resistance. In such an environment, organizations are not infrequently subject to failure.

I submit to you that the office of the President of the United States of America is the CEO of the greatest, most prosperous, advanced nation in the history of civilization, as well as the leader of the free world, its present direction notwithstanding, the qualification for which is attainable only by a very exceptional person—the present occupier obviously not one of them. That so many people cannot recognize the immensity of the problem before us, the peril threatening our nation, especially in light of our vast increase in knowledge and communications technology in these times, is beyond belief.

My God! Have mercy upon us.

Ronald Miller

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