
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Donald John Trump

Retired and unemployed, most mornings I enjoy the privilege of watching C-SPAN’s Washington Journal along with a good cup of coffee. All too frequently, I hear people, calling into the program saying, in effect, “Quit picking on our President, Donald Trump. Give him a chance. He’s doing a great job. He’s getting things done. He ‘tells it like it is’, etc.” I’m writing this in response to say, “Hogwash”! It may be true that he is being “picked on”, especially by the news media, about which I will talk another day, but the other complaints are downright inaccurate—wrong.

Before going one step further, let’s agree on one very basic and important fact—a fact which I sincerely believe is grossly overlooked by most of us and never discussed. The Presidency of The United States of America is one of, if not the most, important and responsible positions of leadership in the world today—more than any international corporation, more than, arguably, any other country, the incumbency of which demands the very utmost of personal and professional skills, including but not limited to honesty, integrity, intelligence, knowledge and character, in conjunction with the requisite diplomatic, management and leadership abilities enabling one to successfully lead and manage such a vast organization. Our government, The United States of America is no small organization despite the best efforts of some politicians and others (Grover Norquist, for example, wanting to “shrink it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub”) to the contrary. If anyone wants to discuss our presidency, they must recognize its immense responsibility. It is no grocery store or shop on the corner.

Donald Trump is not being picked on. One does not have to accuse him of anything or listen to anyone else who does—especially the news media. All one has to do is stop, look, and listen to him in order to comprehend who and what he is. As they say, “It’s a ‘No Brainer’”. Let’s face it. We made a mistake in electing him to office. It is patently obvious that Donald Trump does not have the necessary qualifications indicated above to hold office. He is not a leader; he is not a manager; he is not a diplomat; he is not knowledgeable; and, for that matter, he is not a businessman—not a successful one at least. His many legal encounters and bankruptcies of record documents this; and when all this “shakes out”, I think we will find he and his various organizations are “over their heads” in debt, if not bankrupt. If our president, Donald John Trump, is being “picked on”, he is doing it to himself. If he is continually being shot in the foot, it is he who is holding the gun.

Before closing this, I want to briefly discuss the election, November, 2016. I submit to you: The people of this country didn’t have a chance. They (We) didn’t have the chance of a gasoline dog trying to go thru hell of electing a candidate who would represent the best interests of “We the People”. As I wrote back then, our election of Hillary Clinton would be a disaster; our election of Donald Trump would be a catastrophy. What we have wrought is before us. We are in the midst of a catastrophy. We only had two choices—and very poor ones at that. I’ll tell you. I voted for Hillary. Come hell or high water, we can wade through a disaster. Our nation has done so many times before, but only time will tell on this one—a catastrophy is another matter. 

One last thing: Our people elected Donald Trump because they viewed him as “one of us”. He talked like us; he “told it like it is”. But they were mistaken. Real leaders in a huge complex world such as the one in which we live cannot be like us. They don’t necessarily think like us; they don’t always talk like us; and we cannot always talk like them. If we had their qualifications, well, we would be one of them—you think? Donald Trump is not one of them either. Neither do I think he is one of us; but only time will tell who and what he really is; and only time will tell if and when we can survive this mess in which we find ourselves.

These are my views. I’m interested in yours.
Ronald Miller

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