Our Constitution
refer you to The Constitution of the United States of America, the basic law of
our land upon which all of our laws are based. Our renowned forefathers, as
bright, intelligent, and farseeing as they were, could not, in their wildest
imaginations, have foreseen the world in which we presently live, a world of
travel into space, computers, the internet, advances in medicine, and on and on. When you
read our Constitution, you read only what it says. What it means is another
matter. Its meaning must be interpreted in terms of “today”. Our forefathers
knew that. That’s why they provided us with a Supreme Court to interpret its
many applications.
are those who will argue that our Constitution is inflexible. Others will argue
the opposite, that it is flexible, with changes in customs, the times, etc.—an
argument still unresolved; but, it seems to me—I believe—certain provisions of
our Constitution are unquestionable, our illustrious and infallible Supreme
Court notwithstanding. I read that ours is a government of the people. We are a
Democracy, a Democratic Republic, with a representative government to represent
we the people—All The People, All 100% of us. Do I hear any arguments to that?
I read about equality—we are all equal under the law, we all have equal
opportunity to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Do you think?
I just whistling in the wind? Do you believe in the same Constitution in which I
believe? Now we all know that, in the beginning, the blacks were left out of
the picture—after all, they were slaves, and everybody knows slaves weren’t
people. Slaves, then, were, sadly, property to be bought, sold, raped,
pillaged, whatever. Even our Civil War with the loss of over half a million
lives didn’t solve the problem. Even President Lincoln’s executive order, the
Emancipation Proclamation didn’t really complete the job. It wasn’t until the
Great Society of President Johnson and his Civil Rights Act that any real
semblance of equality for the blacks occurred. Even then, have we really
received them as equal? Under our law they are. Do we really have equality in
voting? Think about such things as gerrymandering, voting restrictions, voter
ID, job discrimination, inequality in education, etc. It took over one hundred
years to fix the black problem; but, is it really fixed? I don’t think so. Just
look around. It’s not fixed and that has to change.
us look at inequality of opportunity from another aspect. You graduated from
community college (because of costs, a rapidly growing trend today). John Doe
graduated from a prominent Ivy League school. Who is more apt to be appointed
to a high office in government; or, if you are a child of a commoner, how apt
are you to be accepted into a prestigious school in competition with the child
of a prominent leader even if you have the qualifications and the money. Where
is the equality of opportunity there? We don’t have equal opportunity in
America, and it becomes more fleeting every day with the rapidly increasing gap
in income and wealth between the haves and have nots. What happens to the guy
who worked his way up the ladder only to be shoved aside by another who begun
in the middle or, worse yet, at the top.
of the immense increase in inequality of income and wealth between the haves
and the have nots, God created this earth for all of us—not just the 10% or
0.1% (If you don’t believe in God, have your way; the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, our Shadow Government, seemingly don’t either). So why should some earn
hundreds percent more income than those below them who work just as hard, if
not more so? They are more talented, you might say. Talent is a gift of God. It’s
a blessing. Talent isn’t earned. I do believe one more talented should earn more. In some
instances, maybe much more, but should they be paid hundreds of percent more as
so many of our CEO’s are today? Also, should they pay far less taxes than we
do, as they now do? Should they not pay according to their ability to pay
(Fairness demands that comparisons be made in terms of percentages of income)?
Some, including many corporations, pay no taxes.
us come back to the subject of voting. I see absolutely nothing in our
Constitution about Corporations. Nowhere do I see any mention of Corporations
as people. For many years, Corporations have been deemed as legal entities for
the purposes of determination of liabilities, taxation, ownership issues, etc. I
believe that to be in the interests of the people. That’s acceptable. I read
the mention of God and man in our Constitution, but nothing about Corporations.
When our Supreme Court, in effect, declared a Corporation’s money as equivalent
to free speech in direct competition for the votes of the American people, they
were wrong. At this point, I’m not sure they weren’t corrupt. Our Congress has
sold out. That’s a matter of record, i.e. campaign contributions, lobbyists, so
what’s next? I don’t know, but I do know that Corporations should not be
allowed to vote. They are not people. People were created by God. Corporations
were created by man to serve—not to rule. Our
present condition must and has to
understand, all you have to do is look at the overall (the big) picture. These
people are already in control. Contrary to our Constitution, they are running
our government today. We didn’t vote for them. We the voters, in our lack of
due diligence, have let it happen. We must now take it back. We still have the
power of the vote. If we didn’t, they wouldn’t spend so much money each and
every election to win. Vote only for those candidates who represent the direct
interests of the people. Vote issues rather than party. Vote for a Constitutional
Amendment to get money completely out of politics (If you leave even a little
bit in, they will find a way to cheat). Vote for a Constitutional Amendment for
voting reform—the right to vote for all citizens. Vote for Constitutional Amendments
for universal access to single payer national healthcare, and Social Security.
Vote for comprehensive tax reform—a progressive tax system for all based upon
one’s ability to pay, including Corporations and control over Corporate
Inversion (Tax avoidance by moving abroad). Vote for those who promote Fair and
open trade—no more secrecy. Vote for those who advocate mandatory government sponsored
education, pre K through college or trade school (Everybody has a trade, a job,
i.e. is able to support themselves). Our nation needs a free and educated
people—leaders. We don’t need a people encumbered with hardship, poverty, and student
The very
survival of our great nation depends upon our taking back our country from
government by the Corporations and Power Elite less we become their slaves—the
route in which, I believe, we are now going. Our government is us. The
character of our government, any government, is a direct reflection of the
character of our people. It’s past time for them to do the will of the people
rather than the will of the Corporatocracy
and Power Elite who have no sense of caring about anything except the price
of their stock—quality product and efficient service to customers, loyalty to
employees, dedication to their country notwithstanding.
Ronald Miller
Email me at mtss86@comcast.net