
Sunday, September 7, 2014


          On the one hand, this is a deep mystery; and, on the other hand, it’s a “no brainer” because we never take the time to think about it in this way—most of us, anyway. Through no fault of our own (we certainly had no say in the matter), and for no reason whatsoever other than that two people, at one point in time without consulting us, became attracted to one another, and got together.  Seemingly, in no time at all, there we were—bare, cold, helpless, hungry, and all bent out of shape. As a matter of fact, from our perspective, we didn’t even know we had arrived, let alone who we or they, these two strange people (our parents), were. We just knew we were very uncomfortable and “pissed-off”. Our personal self-awareness was to come later, ever so slowly over a period of time so long that we didn’t actually realize when it did arrive. To make matters worse, we didn’t have the wherewithal to care for ourselves and provide for our basic needs, food, clothing, shelter and personal security; but, here we were, nevertheless.

          If you think this is bad, it goes downhill from here. From this point in time, the rule of law (God’s law) is, throughout your life, you must earn your bread (your living) by the sweat of your brow. God has given you the resources from which to live (they are there for you), but it is your responsibility to provide for yourself and your family. Yes. In the beginning, you are helpless and your parents will help you, if they will. Also, they will advise you. It is called nurturing; but, as rapidly as you are able, it is your responsibility in this world to provide for yourself. You will also receive help from others if and when it is needed; but, again, the ultimate responsibility is yours. It is you who is responsible to attain the necessary education, employment, and wherewithal to provide yourself and your family throughout life. And, with all that, it is your responsibility to help those less fortunate than you in the same theme of things. This is not the responsibility of our parents. It is not the responsibility of government as that is yours, too.

          Is this bad? Is it good? Now that depends on you, me, and us. It depends on, cumulatively, how good a job we do; and, individually, how good a job we do. In the end, we will have no one to blame but ourselves. Pointing our fingers at others never helps as we can only control ourselves. In the end, we are the sum total of the results of our decisions in life.

Ronald Miller
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