
Thursday, December 25, 2014

It’s Christmas

It’s Christmas, a day during which we celebrate the birth of the Lord–a day in which we rejoice. It is He who gave us love, love for everybody, that we may live in peace and harmony with one another. It’s He who gave us marriage within which we can establish a family, nourish and raise our children, and perpetuate our kind. It is He who gave us salvation that we, through His grace, may spend eternity with him. It is He who gave us everything we need, along with the ability to work it all out–if we only will. It is He who is the reason for the season. To those who believe, I urge you. Take a moment. Worship Him. Tell others about him. To those who do not, that’s your right–you have freedom of choice; but, should you change your mind, He’ll be there for you, waiting–His arms open wide. I wish a Merry Christmas to all of you. May God Bless you all.

Ronald Miller

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