
Friday, November 21, 2014


I woke up early this morning, and I’ve been thinking. ‘You know? Life is a funny thing (I don’t mean funny, Ha Ha either). We are born; we live an indefinite, but relatively brief period of time in that great prep school called life; and then we die and go to our designated spot in eternity— either Heaven or Hell, depending on how we performed in life, to live forever. As complicated as everything else is, in short, it’s that simple.

Hmmmm! Life, itself, is like that too, isn’t it. Perhaps that’s why it’s a prep school. Except, in life we have no choice as to our classrooms or our teachers. We have no choice as to when, what, or where we’re born, to whom we are born, or the content of our genes. Now that is a bummer, isn’t it? And, yet, when we get to the end, it’s too late to “pass go”, too late to “collect $200”.

So, how do we spend this thing or period called life during this indefinite but limited amount of time we are here? For one, we must do our best to stay alive for which we need food, clothing, and shelter. It’s not absolutely necessary; but, for another, it helps to have a little pleasure. Pleasure kind of provides lubricant for the senses and helps us, sometimes, to live a little longer—I think so, anyway. We, also, need God who created us. We don’t always think so because he doesn’t always think the way we do or want Him to think—we have a problem communicating, but we do need Him. Believe it.

In the beginning, after we were kicked out of the Garden of Eden for our disobedience, in order to live, we had to earn our bread by the sweat of our brow and bear our children in pain (our pain, their discomfort). Our food was provided from hunting and cultivation; our shelter was built by our own hands; we entertained ourselves; and we provided our own security. Now, everything has changed. Today, in our multifaceted society, our food, clothing, shelter, and everything else comes to us in different ways. Population growth, technical innovation, and our need has evolved to where we are now a society of specialization wherein we all need to depend on someone else to fulfill or supply, in part at least, our needs. Today, unlike the past, rather than spend our days as hunter gatherer nomads, hunting, planting, building, fighting, and moving from one place to another, we must utilize the hands, the productivity, of others in order to survive. We must trade and transact with one another. Generally, for the most part, the only way we have been able to successfully do that is through the use of a common tender, i.e. money.

Therefore, in effect, our lives today revolve around money. Our very survival and standard of living depends on our ability and success in acquiring and managing money, a web which is woven throughout our lives; and, our only way to acquire it is either to earn it, have it given to us, steal it, or all of the above. How we do this contributes significantly to whether or not we “pass go” and “collect $200”—spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. I recall Pope Francis saying money is “The Dung Of The Devil”. “Money Corrupts Us! There’s No Way Out”. I believe that. The .01% of us who really govern our country from behind the scenes, our shadow government by the Corporatocracy and Power Elite should keep this in mind. Perhaps we should, also.

Ronald Miller

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