
Monday, November 24, 2014

Real Affordable Health Care

I am tired of hearing people complain about being forced to pay for health insurance.

Let us understand something—an absolute fact of life. Every last one of us, without exception, will have health problems of one kind or another and at one time or another during our life—some of us more than others. For most of us, the majority of these problems will occur more frequently toward the latter days of our lives. We are healthier in our younger years, and, therefore, can afford to gamble and forego the cost of health insurance then—the odds being, we/you won’t need it. But, let there be no doubt in your mind. In the long run, in the end, your time will come—maybe even, sooner than later; and (forgive me), your crap will hit the fan and it will be too late for you when it does come. You will be caught with your pants down without the requisite toilet paper to wipe, i.e. insurance.

Most people don’t like to hear this; but, whether we like it or not, it is an absolute fact of life—just like the law of gravity: If people wait until they need insurance to buy it, they will not be able to afford it. Insurance is affordable only if everyone who needs or will need in the future is in the game. That’s the whole theory and purpose of insurance—to spread the risk. If all of us have the right to opt out and buy only when we need it, the whole system falls apart. I could go on and on. I have said many times before and say again, public access to single payer, cradle to the grave, Universal Healthcare modeled after our present system of Medicare (all any citizen would have to do is go to the doctor and give his [or her] Social Security number)—no muss, no fuss, no bother, financed through an income surtax using a “stand-alone” “pay as you go” fund (just like Social Security), a lot less complicated than all the mass confusion we have endured over the past four or five years and, also, a lot less expensive and more affordable with everybody in the game.

For those of you who call this Socialism, it is not so. What it really is, is a collective effort of all the people to jointly help themselves solve one very large national problem, for the good of all. Pardon me if it takes from the rich (especially the vastly overpaid CEO’s) and helps the remainder of us, the common working man to survive. This will work; and it will work a lot quicker, more efficient, cost effective, and affordable than all this junk our politicians are currently trying to stuff down our throats.

My way, everybody gets what they need, when they need it, without all the confusion; and, what they get is paid for—no deficit, no debt. You know we will do this in the end—it’s the only way, so why don’t we do it now so we can get it behind us and get on to other important things, like getting people back to work. Just look back over the past five years and see what we would have missed and the money we would have saved had we gone this way in the beginning. 

Ronald Miller

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