
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ray Rice

          Over the course of time, man has done some pretty nasty things—even the most atrocious, rape, murder, and mayhem. In fact, I’ll bet that, If the truth were to be told, there are very few of us who have not committed some act or acts during our lifetime of which we are very ashamed and would like to forget—to bury them in the past, never to be brought again to see the light of day. I think most of us fall into this category. Don’t you? I’ll bet most offenses are never even reported, and the offenders go free with another chance in life to repent—to try again. On the other hand, many are found out and penalized in one way or another. They may suffer from legal prosecution, imprisonment, or a multitude of other circumstance not the least of which may be the loss of their marriage, jobs, or some other. In any event, short of the death sentence, everyone (even those imprisoned) deserve the right to atone for their offense(s) and be restored to a life of freedom and opportunity—everyone. So let it be with Ray Rice.

          I submit to you that enough is enough. Ray Rice’s abuse of his wife was a serious offense by anyone’s standard for a number of reasons, and he should be punished and disciplined accordingly, commensurate with the offense he committed. At the same time, however, he should, also, be treated fairly, as should anyone, with a chance to atone and repent for what he has done. What is happening to him and his family now, is anything but fair and, also, nothing short of a media circus for the explicit purpose of exciting the public, increasing ratings, and making money—a travesty, to say the least. To take away Ray Rice’s very career, is tantamount to taking away his life. Ray Rice, the offender, is now Ray Rice the victim at the hands of the NFL, incompetent and trying to save face.

          Domestic abuse is a terrible and unacceptable offense. It is conducted all over this country every day, but it doesn’t come near to be being tantamount to murder, or fraud and corruption. It certainly doesn’t deserve a life sentence. Ray Rice, after being appropriately penalized and disciplined should be allowed to return to his career and become a productive citizen of our country. I would think he and his fellow players, by this time have learned their lesson.

Ronald Miller

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