
Monday, January 29, 2018

Our Gift to The Future

While the older of us in our generation bask in the warmth and glow emanating from the births of our great grandchildren as they enter into their new world, our gift to their futures, we struggle arduously to survive the greatest recession since the great depression of the “Thirties” and the massive destruction, debt, and disruption suffered in the wake of the many wars since. Laissez Faire Capitalism worldwide verges on failure, about which Paul Craig Roberts, a former Reagan Administration Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and former associate editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal has written his book: The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism, described as follows:

“This book is a major challenge both to economic theory and to media explanations of the ongoing 21st century economic crisis.

It outlines how the one percent have pulled off an economic and political revolution. By offshoring manufacturing and professional service jobs, US corporations destroyed the growth of consumer income, the basis of the US economy leaving the bulk of the population mired in debt.

The American people do not benefit from Globalism. In addition to offshoring, business leaders are replacing Americans with foreigners in those jobs that they retain in the US in order to lower costs, fraudulently claiming that they cannot find enough Americans with science and engineering degrees to fill them.

No one seems to understand that research, development, design, and innovation take place in countries where things are made. The loss of manufacturing means ultimately the loss of engineering and science.

This is the book to read for those who want to understand the agenda that is bringing the West to its knees.”

The premise of his book is:

          “There is no economic recovery.”

“Economists who have spent their professional lives rationalizing ‘globalism’ as good for America, have no idea of the disaster that they have wrought…”

“Globalism is a conspiracy against First World jobs…”

“The US is no longer an opportunity  society.”

Anyone who has read my blog knows full well my concern for the political and economic wellbeing of our great nation. As I read this book, I am compelled to share it with you. To this end, it is available from in paperback, used for only $1.98 plus $3.99 shipping, new, $16.95 plus and, if you have a Kindle Reader, you can buy that edition for $9.99.

If you really care about your country and why and what is happening to us—if you really want to know—I recommend this book to you. You may not agree with everything written, but you will at least have the opportunity to know.

In addition to the attributes of the author, Paul Craig Roberts, stated above, he has, also testified before committees of Congress on 30 occasions, and held academic appointments in six universities, including Stanford and Georgetown. Dr. Roberts was awarded the US Treasury’s Meritorious Service Award for “outstanding contributions to the formulation of US economic policy”.

In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller at


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