
Monday, January 1, 2018

A New Year–2018

I recently received a message on Facebook, a message with which I fail to agree, to the effect that the year 2017, just ended, was a very bad year, but 2018 would be a better one–much better. I disagree because I believe The United States of America is under attack and our very sovereignty as a democratic republic is at stake, i.e. our very democracy is at risk, if not already lost. If we the people fail to identify and solve our problems, i.e. “Take back our country”, we will continue our downhill direction beyond our ability to recover. We need to get off our ass today!

What’s our problem(s)? What are we going to do about it, and when? I have posted detailed descriptions and recommended solutions to these problems over the several years since I have been writing this blog; and, therefore, will only mention them here in summary. You are able to look back in time by clicking below on the configuration, “Older Post” to read my past postings to this blog for greater detail.

In today’s New Year’s Day posting, I’m going to begin by listing what I see as the most important major problems confronting our democracy and sovereign democratic republic today with brief commentary. Then I’ll do my best to provide a brief summary of recommendations for their solutions. It is important to understand that my discussion here is with an overall view solely in the interests of our nation and our “government of the people, by the people, and for the people,” that they  ”shall not perish from this earth”.

To that end, I shall begin by submitting to you that the most major problem confronting this nation, and the world today, is a nuclear war. You and I both know that the solution to this problem is above and beyond my pay grade; but, if it isn’t solved and, I believe soon, all remaining problems are a moot point.

The second most major problem which confronts our nation today is the division of our people. We have had our differences throughout history, but never since the mid-eighteen hundreds, the Civil War, have we ever been more divided. I submit to you that there are only two solutions to this problem: Leadership and adherence to the Ten Commandments, i.e. “love your neighbor as yourself”. In that this nation was established as a democratic republic to be governed as a nation of law based upon Judean Christian values and subject to the will of the majority in conjunction with the protection of the minority, this problem should not be this great; but….

Problem number three, unfortunately, is we lack leadership. I think historians will agree with me that, here and there, throughout history we have had incompetent leadership; but, what we haven’t had is the intense complexity of today’s society, technology, and nuclear threat. Given the times and the challenges, this is the worst. I have spent over thirty years in corporate life, including corporate financial management, and I think I’m able to recognize management and leadership skills when I see them. I can tell you that a real leader doesn’t divide, He brings people together. He gets people to follow him because they choose to follow—not because he demands them. He inspires loyalty. He doesn’t need to dictate. Also, a leader has in-depth knowledge of what he is doing. He thinks. He plans. That’s as brief as I can get on that problem. I think you understand.

Our next major problem, our fourth (which, under normal circumstances should be our first), is the loss of our democracy to the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, a problem exacerbated by globalization. We have almost failed to recognize this problem because we can still vote, and our vote is still valued by our elected representatives (that’s why they spend such vast amounts of money to influence us); but, when the election is over, as a whole, they could care less. They only care for the wants and needs of the real rulers of our nation, the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, who rule through their lobbyists, paying them vulgar amounts of money for their services. It is they whom your elected representatives (titled Representative, for members of our House of Representatives, and Senator, for the members of our Senate [most of whom up to and including our President don’t know the difference between a Congressman and a Representative, i.e. member of the House]) serve, i.e. answer the phone, serve their wishes, take care of, etc. It is they whom our Congress represents and from whom they receive their campaign income. And what is the solution? Get money completely our of politics; but you just try to get Congress to do it. Then, you just try to get a President to vote for it. You just try to get a Supreme Court to agree with you. They still think corporations are people. God doesn’t think so but the Supreme Court of the United States of America thinks so.

Our next major problem is our national debt and our national deficit. I plan to write a specific blog on this in the near future, but only a fool will believe our nation can continue to survive with our present income to spending ratio. A wise man knows that we must get our deficit in hand by changing it to a surplus and, over time, pay off our national debt. Not only must we do it, we must do it now!

Moving right along, we have several more major problems (and I do mean major) which I want to mention and about which you can see in my past blogs and about which you may also expect to hear from me in the near future because they are critical to solving our spending and revenue problems (our national deficit and debt) as well as our vast social needs, i.e. education, Social Security, healthcare, immigration, tax reform, and prison reform.

For the sake of brevity, today, I’m going to close this for now; but there is one more thing I want to say and say emphatically: There is no reason this side of hell, our Congress and our President can’t solve these problems, Congressional rules notwithstanding, in a relatively short period of time! All that is needed is the will to do so! There are times when it is difficult to chew bubble gum and tobacco simultaneously; but, by god, it can be done. Almost every issue on the table has been studied to death to no end. No problem exists which can’t be solved by smart people; and those who aren’t smart and informed should not be in office.

I’ll talk to you later; but, in the meantime, have a wonderful holiday. This is Ronald Miller,

P.S. I would appreciate your comments on this. Participate in your democracy. Please.

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