
Monday, January 15, 2018

Our Current State

It’s notable as I listen to “all these experts and politicians” as they espouse their thoughts and positions on a multitude of subjects; they continually bash President Trump every day, all day, and all night. I’m downright tired of hearing it. I myself have said on more than one occasion that I don’t like the man. I don’t like him personally, and I don’t like him politically. He is incompetent intellectually, experientially, and morally to be the chief executive of a large and dynamic country that used to be the leader of the free world. Those are facts. However, our people with full knowledge and little, if any, in-depth forethought have elected him as our president. Our elections are not unlike taking sides in a football game. As my father used to tell me, “that’s just the way it is; and we can like it or lump it”. Let’s get on to running our country.

Our news media has made millions of dollars promoting this charlatan, millions of dollars electing him, and now, millions of dollars trying to destroy him. In the process, they have made even more millions by not having to spend on reporting “real news” going on behind the scenes, using their “circus reporting” as a smoke screen. As Donald would say, “Sad”. There are mountains of news occurring all around the world every minute of every day, and we need to know about it–all about it.

Donald Trump is what he is, and he isn’t going to change, but he has accomplished some things. He has exposed the weaknesses in our system of voting; and, in the process, he has exposed the Republican Party for what it is and what it is not. It becomes very obvious that playing politics as if we are at a game of football is a fool’s errand. We the people may be dumb, but we aren’t stupid. We will take back our country from this Oligarchy of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite which, like they have done in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union, are helping to cause this mess in our country from behind the scenes. We will “smarten” up. We will take our country back.

In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller at

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