
Saturday, January 6, 2018

Our Government

Our governance coming out of Washington these days is abominable, an embarrassment, if not a disgrace to our people and our country. Arguably as the leader of the free world, our actions notwithstanding, we are under threat, if not in peril. This madness must end. We must get hold of ourselves and our nation.

We are told all men are created equal. We know this is not true. Every one of us is born with differences from one another and given different gifts from God. We are born equal only in the eyes of God and, supposedly, under the law. What then are we to do with these gifts, and who is to benefit from them?

Therein lays the answer to our question along with the real solution as to how we should govern. We are told, to whom much is given, much is expected. We are told the poor will always be with us. We are told by Jesus to “feed My sheep”. We are told Jesus came to the people. We are told that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. And we are told we cannot serve both God and mammon—we cannot serve two masters.

Draw your own conclusions; but, in my mind, this tells me the world is here for all of us and we should govern accordingly. Our governance should be governance of the people, by the people, and for the people with equal opportunity for all and help for those in need and less gifted. We must rid government of corruption and greed and put the best interests of our nation and people ahead of individual gain and party politics. To this end, we need competent qualified leaders in our government who can and will serve the people, serve the nation, and lead the world, traits and service sadly missing in the present.

In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller at

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