
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

National Parade—What a Wonderful Idea

President Trump wants a military parade to commemorate our troops and our country—what a wonderful idea. He wants to pay tribute to our troops—how caring, how thoughtful, how respectful to those who protect our country and our people, what a great idea. He is so caring. Let’s do it!

It is estimated by the news media that such a parade will cost only approximately twenty-eight million dollars, a relatively small amount in light of our national debt.

O.K.! What the hell. Let’s do it. But, I think, if we are going to do it, let’s do it right. Let us make an impression on the whole world they will never forget. Let the world know what a magnificent and powerful country we are and how powerful our leader is.

I do have a couple questions, however. Do we want our military to march as those of the armies of Kim Jong-un of North Korea with their fancy side–step or those of Hitler with their goose step. Also, do we want His Highness, President Trump to wear a gold crown, perhaps with a huge pheasant’s tail and riding a great white horse prancing proudly ahead of our armies? Boy that would be nice. Now, that would make an impression—really.

Also, don’t you think it a nice idea to line the streets with the homeless so as to pay tribute to them who sacrificed the twenty-eight million dollars to pay for the parade which could have provided food for their sustenance? Oops! I almost forgot. There is, also, the cost of repairing the streets damaged by the treads of the tanks in the parade. How about all those missiles? Do we want them in the parade too? That would really fix our streets.

We’ll really impress the world with this. We’ll really impress the world with what a great leader we have, wont it?

B… S…! Let me tell you what I really think. The United States of America is the laughing stock of the world, and that is because we elected a sick fool for a leader. Are we really that stupid? As Donald Trump would say, “Sad”.

In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller at

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