
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What a Nice Swim

In the news today is the story of Halle Berry and Jennifer Garner asking lawmakers for stricter control over the paparazzi who constantly harass celebrities and their children for pictures, gossip, and other compromising information. In an earlier posting, I discussed demand, supply, and jobs. This celebrity event is a beautiful but sad example of what I was talking about. The demand is from the people, the public, wanting ever more celebrity gossip publications provided by the paparazzi–the supply. This along with so-called soap operas and other like media has become a booming industry competing for the hearts and minds of our people; and the people just “eat it up”. 

There’s no doubt that this demand creates jobs; but, isn't it sad that our people prefer this kind of “stuff”, celebrity worship and gossip, over information which is more responsible and essential to their very livelihood, government, jobs, and standard of living? In a democracy, wouldn't you think people would be more involved in things much more important such as what their government is doing to them? But, oh well, maybe I’m just naive. It seems to me, however, that we are like frogs in a pan of cold water, delighting in our wonderful swim while, unknown to us, someone else is slowly turning up the heat under our pan.

Ronald Miller

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