
Monday, August 26, 2013

There is You and There is You

I don’t mean to beat a dead horse to death, as has been said; but, once again, I want to expand on my posting, “Who Am I?” of August 9th, the one concerning the development of one’s character–the “color of his water”.

In that posting, we imagined in our mind’s eye that, in the very beginning, there was a spirit in Heaven, just waiting to be born, visualizing that spirit as a glass of pure and clear water, perfect in every way. The egg of the mother was placed into that glass of water along with the sperm of the father, thereby fertilizing the egg and creating a person with all the genes and DNA of both parents. The water became slightly colored. As life progressed in the womb, the experience of the fetus therein added to the color of water. Then the infant is born, nurtured, educated, grows up, etc., the environment and experience of which ever increasingly added to the color of the water in the glass–the person’s character. There is you.

What I failed to discuss, was the subject of decisions. As a person comes into this world and grows, his character (the color of his water) is influenced by the decisions of others. As he progresses in life, however, these decisions become his. Although his decisions, in part, are influenced by his past, as he matures, they become increasingly his and he is in charge, leading to the ultimate formation of his character (the color of his water)–for better or for worse. There is you.

You have made your life what you are and you are responsible. There are over three hundred million “glasses of water” in our country; they all have a different color; and, looking through different colored lenses, they all view everything as well as each other differently. But, I have another question. If you poured all three hundred million of those glasses of water, each with a different color, into one huge bowl representing our nation, do you think the resulting color of water in the bowl would represent the combined character of our people? Is not our country the sum total of its people?

Ronald Miller

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