
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Get a Life

I have to believe that everyone reading this has at one time or another heard the expression, “get a life”. Among all of you, there are those who will understand what I am about to say; and, on the other hand, there will be those who will not. Unfortunately, those who will not are the very ones who need to most. Let’s see.

Everyone, without exception, needs to “get a life”–most all of us do, but some of us seem to never do so. The process begins at birth (Read my posting of August 9, “Who Am I”?) and proceeds until life’s end with each and every individual developing his own character–his own color of water. What I failed to mention then was the effect of one’s decisions during the course of his life. Every decision one makes during the course of life has a cause and effect, seen and unseen. Frederic Bastiat has taught us that “what is not seen is just as certain as what is seen”, and both leave the marks or scars of their effects with which we must live throughout our life. For better or worse, our decisions during life affect our employability, our relationships with others, and our views toward life–they reflect how we think and what we accomplish. They are us.

Ronald Miller 

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