
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Conservative Virtues

There is an email currently in circulation, titled “We Are Not Coming Back”, said to be written by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, spiritual leader of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, New Jersey (Refer to bio on Avi Weiss–Wikipedia). 

I want to comment today regarding one statement in particular stated by Rabbi Pruzansky in his alleged email. In explaining why Governor Romney wasn't elected during the presidential election of 2012, he said the governor’s loss was because “conservative virtues–the traditional American virtues – of liberty, hard work, free enterprise, private initiative and aspirations to moral greatness - no longer inspire or animate a majority of the electorate.” Therefore, Governor Romney just didn’t get the votes. I have no idea if Rabbi Pruzansky even wrote the email quoted (so many emails are false), but I discuss it here because of its excellent example of political propaganda being daily perpetrated on the American people–especially during elections. I call it propaganda because it is an outright lie–true only in the perception of those who have believed it for so many years and want rightly ever so much to believe it is still true.

I have been a registered Republican for at least forty years (and I still am) because I earnestly believe in those same virtues. Without compunction, I have worked hard all my life–very hard, even to the neglect of my family–because I believed in them. Now I want to tell you something; and I ask you, for just a little while, to please set aside your preconceived opinions (we all have them if we are truly honest with ourselves and will admit it) and think very deeply and honestly about what I’m going to tell you.

Rabbi Pruzansky is wrong–very wrong. America hasn't lost those virtues. They’re still with us. They’re all around us. Those values are in the hearts and minds of most of us–not all, unfortunately, but most of us, political parties notwithstanding. It isn't the people who have abandoned those values. It is the Republican Party–more specifically the so called neo-conservatives, the extreme right wing. I submit to you that the vast majority of Republicans who voted Republican during this past election voted that way because they have those very values and sincerely believed their party did too. But they were wrong–very wrong–because they failed to recognize and admit their party has been stolen from them–stolen by their extreme right wing, ostensibly represented by Wilbur Mitt Romney and his cohorts, who really represents the interests of the very rich, the very powerful, power elite in this nation–our Shadow Government, if you will, who really controls this nation. That’s why he didn’t get elected.

To those of you who don’t like to read, to study, to educate yourselves, to stay abreast of current events and think beyond your own back yard, to be a responsible voting citizen of a Democratic Republic like the United States of America; to those of you who like to leave the responsibility of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people to others, SURPRISE! Your Shadow Government is in charge. Your Shadow Government controls the vote in your Congress.

Ronald Miller

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