
Friday, November 18, 2016

The Greatest Reward

In these times in history and, also, our lives when we are living in fear and trepidation, we realize that life has no purpose, and all is meaningless and of no value without God. Whoosh! You may say. Where did that come from? It’s just a thought—a thought that just might come to you some day when you are being “wheeled” into Hospice with only weeks, or perhaps hours, to live.

In his commentary on Christian rewards, chapter 6 of the book of Matthew, William Barclay tells us, “If a man takes his own way, he drifts farther and farther from God; the gulf between him and God becomes ever wider, until in the end God becomes a grim stranger, whom he only wishes to avoid. But, if a man all his life has sought to walk with God, if he has sought to obey his Lord, if goodness has been his quest through all his days, then all his life he has been growing closer to God, until in the end he passes into God’s nearer presence, without fear and with radiant joy—and that is the greatest reward of all”.

Oh yes! You’re absolutely right. I haven’t always fit that mold either; but, trust me; Hospice is just around the corner for all of us. Just a thought.

In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller, signing off.

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