
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Open Letter to Our Next President

Congratulations on your election as, Leader, Chief Executive Officer, and Top Manager (all in one) of the greatest country in the world, and arguably, leader of the free world, for the next four years. That, under our Constitution, your position as our President will not be that of a dictatorship and must have the patriotic support of our elected representatives in the Congress as well as the people, your challenge is monumental indeed.

In the next approximately three months before your inauguration, you will be planning your appointments and recommended solutions to the many problems confronting our nation today. It is to this end that I write this letter. I believe the very sovereignty of our democratic republic is at stake; in light of which I would like to suggest what I believe are two of the most critical issues before us today, none of which were emphasized during the campaign. I will write more at a later time.

I was born at the very beginning of the Great Depression and I and my family would have been homeless without the love, affection, and generosity of other members of our family. In short, I have seen a lot of streetcars go by; and I have never seen this country as divided as it is today. I do not believe our country has been this divided since the Civil War, over one hundred fifty years ago. All our other problems notwithstanding, this is the largest and most important issue. In spite of how things might appear, our people are crying, if not begging, for a leader who will bring us together. Under present conditions (you know what they are) with which we are confronted, I must remind you that what you do must include ALL THE PEOPLE—not just the wealthy and influential. With all due respect, if you are unable to unite us, we will all lose and lose severely.

Second, and also a threat to our very sovereignty, the Corporatocracy and Power Elite have taken over our nation, and govern as a Shadow Government, controlling us through lobbyists, campaign contributions, bribery, and intimidation, even to the point, in many instances of writing the very laws that come before our Congress, effectively usurping the best interests and welfare of the American people. The American people are being slowly but surely (not so slowly at times) reduced to serfdom. Immediate action must be taken to reverse this direction and return our government to “We the People”. I submit to you that “Citizens United” must be reversed. We must take money out of our election process. Corporations are legal entities; they are tools to serve, provide for, and facilitate the needs of people, but they are not people. Man created corporations. Corporations did not create man. Almighty God created man.  I also suggest that all corporations chartered within the United States which function across state lines be charted by the Federal government rather than by states. I could go on and on about the ruthless profiteering, lack of patriotism, disregard for employees, and so on by the Corporatocracy; but I will stop here. Suffice it to say, our corporations must be taken in hand; they exist to serve us—NOT rule over us. Again, with all due respect, if you are unable or unwilling to do this, we will all lose and lose severely.

I have more to share; and, therefore,will follow-up on this later, Mr./Mrs. President. In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller.

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly why I voted against Hillary Clinton who was the same as the Bush family.
    "a threat to our very sovereignty, the Corporatocracy and Power Elite have taken over our nation, and govern as a Shadow Government, controlling us through lobbyists, campaign contributions, bribery, and intimidation, even to the point, in many instances of writing the very laws that come before our Congress, effectively usurping the best interests and welfare of the American people."
