
Friday, November 4, 2016

Healthcare: What’s the Problem; What are We Going to Do About It; When?

This is a brief discussion in general of our healthcare problem, the causes, and the solution—in my mind, the only solution that will work in the scheme of things.

In short, healthcare need(s) in our nation is growing rapidly; our population is increasing; our people are growing older; costs are rising exponentially; and, given the increasing disparity in income and wealth, our standard of living has decreased to a point where healthcare has become prohibitively unaffordable, what the politicians tell us notwithstanding.

But you all know that; don’t you? You feel the pain every time you receive the bill. The very thought is tantamount to a stab in the gut. In fact, many, if not most of you, have come to the point where you no longer even have the ability to pay

We all know why our population is increasing. Primarily, it’s due to immigration and increasing life spans outweighing our decreasing birth rates. We are getting older—no one wants to change that; and, as to immigration, those who have really studied the subject empirically, know we need these people. Legal immigration is a boon to our country and contributes to our economy, intellectually and productively.

With regard to increasing costs, in a free market economy, supply and demand in and of itself will cause prices to rise; but, that having been said (and it’s true about supply and demand), don’t think for a moment that I believe we are in a truly free market economy and neither should you. The only really free market we have is in a classroom on the chalkboard. That our corporations manipulate markets regularly is obvious to all—but I digress. There are other reasons for increasing costs—profiteering by the insurance companies and large healthcare providers, price gouging, fraudulent billing practices, corruption—it goes on and on. Additionally, these companies spend millions, if not billions, of dollars every year in lobbying Congress, and campaign contributions (do you think these costs just might find a place in your insurance or hospital or doctor bill)?

The problem with our healthcare is obvious. Our system of healthcare is a disaster. The question is what we are going to do about it, the answer to which is simple—adopt a universal single-payer healthcare system with public access affordable to all, i.e. Medicare for everybody.

And, finally, when are we going to do it? Aye, there’s the rub. And the answer is, when our illustrious Congress and President quit playing chess with our lives, set aside their outmoded ideologies, personal greed, and narcissism, and just do it. Enough is enough.

We the people are suffering under increasing pressure. The breaking point is near. Do you really want that to happen? Yes, you can shoot us down in the streets; but, in the end, is it really worth it to you? Keep doing what you’re doing. Play your games. The ball is in your court. You are responsible.

In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller.

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