
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Donald Trump,
Our President Elect

There can’t be anyone who objects more to the election of President Elect Donald Trump than I. I have said so many times, if not in my blog, on Facebook and to my friends and acquaintances. In a “hooded” booth with fear and trepidation, I voted for Hillary Clinton only because of the influence I hoped would come from Bernie Sanders and her agreement with him. Also, Senator Sanders would be in line for chairman of the budget committee. My vote for her was for what I believed to be the lesser of two evils. As I have said previously, one would prove to be a disaster and the other, Donald Trump, a catastrophe. Again, I chose what I believed to be the lesser of two evils.

Before I go further, let me speak of another view in conjunction with this election and my perspective on the matter. I hear people speak: “I am a Republican. I have been a Republican all my life. My grandfather was a Republican, my father was a Republican, and by gum and by golly, I’m a Republican. I have heard essentially the same beliefs expressed by Democrats to which I say, “Rubbish”—absolute “Rubbish”. Neither party is the same party today they were yesterday. The Republican Party of today is far different from the Party of Lincoln. The Democratic Party of today is far different from the party of the New Deal, the party of the people. People who think this way are tantamount to dead men on the voting rolls. Some people might call them the voting dead. They voted based upon the past—certainly not the present, certainly not their own ideas or beliefs. To those, therefore, who adamantly proclaim, “I am a Republican”, “I am a Democrat”, I adamantly proclaim, my registration notwithstanding, “I am an American”. By gum and by golly, “I am an American” It’s long past time for the American people to get their heads out of the sand, become informed, and support their interests—not their grandfather’s, not their father’s, not necessarily those of the parties, but theirs, their interests.

What does the foregoing have to do with the purpose of this writing? I am unhappy with this election. Not only am I unhappy with who was elected and his selection in general, I am unhappy with how this election is being accepted by the public even though forty-three percent of the people didn’t even vote.

We are a nation of law based upon a Constitution which establishes rules for the selection of our president. We the people elected Donald Trump within those rules and he deserves the right to see those rules followed thru. We asked for him. We elected him. Now he deserves for us to give him a chance. There will be 2018.       

What’s your view? In the meantime, this is Ronald Miller, signing off.

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