
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Your World

          Today, I want to ask you a question, a question which, before you answer, I would like for you to give very much thought, very deep consideration. Set aside the views of any political party which you may support and look from all the angles. Consider only your particular personal values, beliefs, and desires for your life and the lives of others; and, most importantly, be honest with yourself. In addition, don’t tell me your answer. Just answer to yourself. My question is: Whether you belong to the “top one percent” of our society, the most powerful and wealthy, or to the “lower ninety-nine percent” notwithstanding, what kind of world is it in which you really wish to live?

I am compelled to believe you, yourself, want to live a long, happy, healthy, successful, and prosperous life with equal opportunity for all, wishing the same for your children and extended family. Given that is true, wouldn’t you, also, want the same for your fellow-man and for your country? Would you not, also, want that same “good life” for your world, the whole world in which you live and raise your family? Would you, on the other hand, be happy or content in a nation or society where your neighbors were hungry, homeless, crime was rampant, and war and terror is all around us? Given the current reality of such, are you, therefore, happy today?

Is not a world and/or nation in which business, government, money, and power serves the people, as opposed to the people serving them, preferable?

I know. I said I wanted to ask a question. There I go again.

Ronald Miller

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