
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hooray for John Boehner

          Hooray for John Boehner! Finally, he has made some sense. He has put before the House of Representatives the bill to increase the limit on the national debt, and he has done so without allowing any attachments–a clean bill, if you will. Most every time this bill has been put before the House in the past, it has had conditions attached and evolved into one long, extensive, and very expensive argument–the last time, closing down the government at a cost of twenty-four billion dollars, a complete and total waste of time and money.

          This is extremely important, especially in light of the heavy work-load before them and their impending two-week vacation recess. They just don’t have the time to spend in useless and unnecessary argument. That the debt limit must be approved is a no-brainer. Our total economy depends upon it. In fact, as I have said in the past, we should not have to have a debt limit at all. Placing a limit on our government’s ability to borrow literally ties our representatives’ hands, limiting their ability to govern. These aren’t little boys and girls in the first grade that one might make stand in the corner for chewing gum in class. They are supposed to be responsible leaders, capable of governing a nation. For the same reason, we should not have such a restriction in our Constitution. If our leaders in government cannot manage, they shouldn’t be there. Get rid of them.

Ronald Miller

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