
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Pan Is On The Stove

The pan is on the stove and has been there a very long time, millennia after millennia, and the cooks are many, stirring up many stews with many ingredients–some good and some bad. There are the constructive ingredients of hard work, motivation, drive, ambition, and the selfless desires of honesty, integrity and trust to do good and serve one’s fellow-man. Sadly, there are the other ingredients, those that destroy our people, and those that destroy our environment–greed, avarice, and evil.

Aristotle (384 – 322 B. C), that great master of political science, is quoted as having said, “From the hour of their birth, some are marked out for subjection, others for rule (Politics, 1.5.2, 1254a). He also wrote, “The art of war is a natural art of acquisition for it includes hunting, an art which we ought to practice against wild beasts and against men who, though intended by nature to be governed, will not submit; for war of such a kind is naturally just” (Politics, 1.8.12, 1256b).

Now I don’t pretend to the possession of wisdom equal to that of Aristotle; but, somehow, his thought just doesn’t go down right with me. I believe men should be governed. I believe in freedom; but, in a free society, one in which one person’s freedom overlaps that of another (especially one with a congested population), government is sorely needed. On the other hand, however, I don’t believe in a war in which one government forces its governance upon another or steals the other’s resources. It would seem to me that the real question is: who will determine the government–who is to govern? War is not the answer.

For as long as man has been in the picture, there has always been someone with a theory as to how things should be done; but, there has been none better than that laid down by God and his Son, Jesus. Believe what you will, but I have neither seen nor heard any better, whether it be from Plato, Socrates, or whomever (Relax. This is not going to be a sermon; I’m not qualified).

Back to the pan on the stove and the cooks cooking the stew, people have been arguing government for centuries. Our founding fathers studied this thoroughly, hardly missing an angle or eventuality. Any student of political science knows the pitfalls of pure democracy in which the majority, the working class, govern; wherein the will of the majority oppresses the minority. This was a key concern of our founding fathers. That the common classes lacked the qualifications to deal with the vast complexities of public financing, foreign affairs, and management was, also, a major concern. This is why our Constitution includes many checks, balances, and protections for the minorities. This is why we have a democratic republic and not a pure democracy.

Herein lies the problem. Please note that I have my tongue in my check when I say this; but, normally, when one looks into the future, they still see it through the colored lens of their present knowledge and experience. They can’t help themselves. Our forefathers, I believe, didn’t see the complexities of our current world. They didn’t see the immense and rising increase in technology, communications, the internet, warfare, atomic energy, almost instant travel, and the increasing size of our populations and their requisite needs. What they did know is that they had their bellies full of kings, queens, dictators, tyrants, and those of that nature. I might add that we, today, feel that way, too–but I digress.

I have been trying to tell you over these past months, our world is on fire. We are in dire straits, economically as well as politically. We have been talking government, i.e. politics–essentially the same thing. We must, also, talk economics. Both subjects are so intertwined, we can’t discuss one without the other. Really! It’s true. Not only is the economy of the United States in severe difficulty; but, so also, are the economies of the rest of the world. The differences in our societies, our governments, and our economies notwithstanding, we are all intertwined. We must all work together. For now, I’m not going to talk further about foreign governments and politics. Such is beyond the knowledge available to me, but I do need for you to understand that their problems affect us as well.

As crazy as this may sound, I submit to you that we must find a way to take politics out of the picture. It is long past time for us to take care of business. I believe our politics are corrupt, dishonest, and completely broken. Our leaders have sold out the leadership of our country, and we must change our Constitution to bring it up to date–to current times. I surely don’t have all the answers to our dilemma and don’t pretend such, but there are many who have some of the answers. If we can all put our heads together, we can turn this thing around. Anybody who has ever been employed by a large and successful corporation knows that we need managerial skills, not politics, to run our country. I have already given you some of my ideas in past postings to this blog, so I won’t repeat myself just now, but it should be a no-brainer to all that we must take back our country from those who have stolen our livelihoods and our wealth from us and are continuing to do so as this is written. We must do it now.

In closing, I will tell you five actions we need to take immediately, if not sooner; and we should do them in a manner that they will last in the United States of America for as long as God allows the world to continue to exist. These are inalienable rights and should be incorporated in our Constitution.

1.     We need to provide our people with jobs with livable wages.

2.     We must establish Social Security for all on a “pay as you go” basis with livable benefits.  This should be administered through the use of a stand-alone fund as is now done and must not be privatized in any way. This should be updated now and financed through an ear-marked tax transparent to all.

3.     We must establish a national single-payer, cradle to the grave, “pay as you go” national healthcare system for all, modeled after Medicare, and administered through the use of a stand-alone fund as is now done with Social Security. This too must not be privatized in any way and financed on a “pay as you go” basis (no deficit) Medicaid and Affordable Health Care must be eliminated. AHC is (and it will get worse–mark my words) unaffordable. The middle class can’t understand or afford it. Haven’t you heard? They haven’t had a real wage increase in over thirty years. Many have lost their homes and their livelihoods. Where are they going to get the money?

4.     We must take the money out of politics, financing elections through taxation. No politician should be allowed to receive contributions in any way shape or form–even from friends or family under penalty of imprisonment. Again, we must take back our country.

5.     We must amend our Constitution overriding the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC (Federal Election Commission). I can’t believe anyone, supposedly distinguished, as one who would serve on the our Supreme Court, would be that ignorant (or disingenuous). God made people–man didn’t.

These are only five suggestions. I have more. If Grover Norquist can get Congress, contrary to the interests of the people and this nation, to pledge not to raise taxes (without even checking with you first), then you should be able to raise enough fuss with your illustrious representatives (including Senators) to get them to support my proposals. Haven’t we been told this is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people? Isn’t it time somebody begins to work for us?

Before closing this, I want to make one last point. There are those who will yell Socialism or Communism. We must love them anyway. They know not what they say. I know as sure as God made little green apples that I am neither a Socialist nor a Communist. What I do believe, however, is this. I don’t care whether a cat is white or black. I want a cat that catches mice; and, it is time–way past time–that our government quits all their very expensive masturbating with our government and our lives, and starts managing the affairs of our country. They (We) need to start catching mice.

Ronald Miller

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