
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Equality of Women

          The Democrats are charging the Republicans of a war against women and the Republicans are accusing the Democrats of starting it. What on earth are they talking about?

          For countless millennia, men have dominated the sexes–ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the Garden of Eden. Then, it was necessary. No sooner had they left the gates of the garden, Adam (man) had to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. He was the hunter. When engaged with competing tribes, he was the fighter for the protection of the family. So that he could fulfill his purpose, God provided him with the requisite abilities. He made man different from woman, physically and mentally. Man was in charge. Man was responsible. In the settings then, he had to be.

          This having been said, do you really think man and women are equal? I don’t think so. In no way are men and women equal. Anyone who thinks so is deaf, dumb, blind, or delusional. Open your eyes. Look before you. They, women, are superior to men–far superior, not equal. Men don’t even come close to being equal with women.

          It is well known that women are not being treated fairly. They are, on an average, paid less than men; they are less apt to be promoted; and they are discriminated against frequently. Those who work outside the home not only bring home all or part of the “bacon”; but, also, when they get home from work at the end of the day they, more often than not, are required to prepare meals, do the laundry, take care of the children, budget their money, pay the bills, and clean their home (while we guys watch television, etc., etc.). In between times they bear our children giving birth in intense pain; which, if left to men, there would be no children. What man can can live up to that?

          We aren't all the way there, guys, but we are getting there. We are rapidly coming to a period in time when our work (man’s) will disappear. The last function remaining for man will be that of producing children, i.e. sex. Must I remind you of who will be in charge?

Ronald Miller


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