
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Where Are We Going?

It has been several days since I have written a posting to this blog, and I sincerely apologize for that. I really appreciate your following my writing and hope you will continue; but, to be completely honest, some days my thoughts flow, and other days they do not. I, really, just draw a blank. Again, I’m sorry. I hope you will “hang with” me in this endeavor.

One doesn’t have to look back too many years to see the future if they only care to take a look. History does repeat itself. In my final years of life, I will not be around to see (or experience) it; but, looking at the direction in which our leaders are taking us and how they are managing the affairs of our nation, I foresee only a path of poverty, misery and servitude for my children and their descendents. Ignorance, greed, avarice, and incompetence abound; everyone thinks they are right, facts notwithstanding; no one will admit they are wrong; and our world (as we know it), our government of the people, by the people, and for the people, is slipping away before our very eyes, arguably either (thru passive neglect and ignorance) forfeited by the people or stolen from them by an oligarchy of our nation’s corporate and power elite, the top one percent, if you will–our Shadow Government–those who take all the money. I can’t argue the distinction, as the latter could not have occurred without the acquiescence of the former. It’s sad, if not tragic, isn’t it? We have come to the point in our nation’s short history where (as I have said before) we not only have a “Shadow Banking” system (Reference the report of The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, published January, 2011), we also have a “Shadow Government”. We’ve come a long way, baby.

The question at hand is, what are we going to do about it, and when are we going to do it? Not all, to be sure; but, for the most part, the foxes (the power elite) are in control of the henhouse. You know they aren’t going to do anything; so, the ball is in your court. Let me suggest this. In November, 2014, we are going to have a national election for representatives to Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate. To the best of your ability vote only for those who represent the people of this country, the 99%, those to whom God gave this planet in the first place. Don’t forget. When Jesus came into this world, he came to the poor, the disenfranchised. It was Jesus who chased the money changers from the temple because they were liars, cheats, and thieves. Accordingly, cast your votes for representatives of the people, populists if you will, rather than those who represent only the interests of the very rich (and their wannabe's).

Let’s get the show on the road toward taking back our country for the people. We need jobs. We need to take money out of politics. We need to legally affirm that corporations are not people and do not have the rights of people. Only God makes people–not Mr. Roberts or his gang. We need to insure open, honest, and fair elections, open and fair to all citizens and political parties–gerrymandering and discrimination be damned. We need to shore up Social Security to the extent we don’t have to argue the matter for ever again. We need a single-payer healthcare system for all. As one great leader once said, “It doesn’t matter if the cat is white or the cat is black, the cat we want is the cat that catches mice”. We, also, need to amend our Constitution as needed to implement a government, as Abraham Lincoln said in his address at Gettysburg, of the people, by the people, and for the people.

We have a year left before the election, folks. Please. Think seriously and deeply about what I have said. I urge you. Focus on our government being a Democratic Republic, representative of the people, as it was originally established in 1789.

Ronald Miller

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