
Saturday, December 14, 2013

It Seems To Me

It would seem to me (I have had a lot of those lately, and they “seem to” keep coming). It would seem to me that if one really and honestly in their heart believes in democracy, they would believe in it for all people–not just themselves. If one believes that (if one  really does), would it, therefore, go without saying that he or she would, also, believe all people within any given unit of a democracy be included in the electoral process–our nation, for example, or any nation for that matter? Can a nation really be democratic if its people or any significant portion of them is excluded from the process?

Think about that. Is a government wherein its elected representatives are significantly controlled by major contributions of money from outside private interests, taking precedence over the best interests of the people, a democracy? Is gerrymandering consistent with democracy? Is passing laws deterring voting by certain segments of the population democratic? How about those who pass laws ostensibly with one effect for the underlying purpose of, effectively, achieving another, thereby constraining the democratic process, i.e. voter suppression? What do you think of excluding other political factions from the electoral process? Do you think that to be democratic? Should we have more than two political parties within our system of government to better recognize the needs and desires of our people? Should multiple parties continue to be restricted in our electoral process?

Having asked these questions, do you believe that those who practice or contribute to practices of voter manipulation and suppression really believe in a democracy of the people, by the people and for the people; or, on the other hand, are they serving just their own special interests through control of the vote with little or no regard for the benefit of the people?

I have one last question under “It seems to me”. Does it “Seem to you” that you can continue to enjoy the benefits of a democratic republic without the active and robust participation of you and your fellow citizens? Do you really think our democratic republic can continue to exist given the direction in which it is going if you fail to actively take part? Surely you cannot be happy with things as they are.

Ronald Miller

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