
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Busted for Drugs
Trey Radel,
Representative of the State of Florida to
The United States House of Representatives

          I’m sorry, Mr. Representative. I really am. Not only am I truly sorry for you, I’m sorry, also, for your family; but, really, you picked a bad time to do this. You picked a time when the effectibility, credibility, and personal character of the whole Congress is in question. I say, shame, shame on you. You picked a time when so many of your kind have sold their very souls to the lobbyists, representatives of the Shadow Government (The corporatocracy and power elite) which really “calls the shots” in America and rules over us–just to get re-elected.

          You claim that you want to “continue serving this country” (Ref.: USA Today, November 20th). As is so with any representative of the American people, the best way to do that was to begin by setting an example–not only in character (that’s extremely important); but, also, in your credibility. Are you really sincere when you vote on an issue? Do you really believe in that for which you are voting; or, on the other hand, is your vote in the House of Representatives only a reflection of the party line, i.e. pseudo-insurance for re-election? I’m thinking of your co-sponsorship of legislation to change the nation’s mandatory minimum drug sentencing laws, a bill that calls for states to drug test people who receive food stamps (Again, Ref.: USA Today, November 20th). That does raise an idea, though. If, today, in these times when our nation is in a state of economic depression, we are going to drug test poor people on food stamps, perhaps we should initiate a program of drug testing Congressmen.

          I say again, Mr. Representative, shame on you. You really don’t belong in office. You should resign. If you were a black man, you would be doing time–another travesty in our legal system, i.e. one law for the underclasses and another for the upper. You can take that to the bank, Mr. Representative.

Ronald Miller

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