
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Cost of The Government Shutdown

By now, the estimated cost, $24 Billion, of shutting down our government for a period of sixteen days, ended just recently, is well known to most all of us. In the scheme of things, we throw these numbers around like they are nothing–a billion here, a trillion there….who cares? It’s only money. We can always print more. Isn't that the way we think subconsciously, if not consciously? It flies right past our head, barely missing our ears.

Well, let me give you a picture that I’m sure won’t go right on by you–a picture that will to some extent, at least, give you some indication as to just how much money $24 Billion is. If you will, recall to mind those pictures you have in recent memory of Typhoon Haiyan that, in effect, has just destroyed the Philippines at an estimated cost of $14 Billion and 10,000 lives. Recall the massive destruction–all around, the dead bodies, and the misery. Folks, that’s what $14 Billion is.

Think for a minute of the destruction to come when Typhoon Haiyan lands in North Vietnam and Southeast China. In total, folks, that should just about add up to our $24 Billion, doesn't it?  In my mind, that’s something you can see. That’s something you can put your arms around. That’s the amount of money our illustrious Congress just nonchalantly p*&% away (Oops! I mean squandered– Sorry!). Does that mean something to you now?

Ronald Miller

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